chapter thirteen

13 3 0

Mirabel pov

       These days feels empty without haddiyah. It has really been hard for me. I only knew her for months but that few months we got so close to each other. We formed a Bond together. I felt like their was a missing piece of me. I wasn't really cheerful again like before. I lost a piece of myself and everyday I pray I get that piece of me back. I miss her so much  and I have never felt like this after Papa's deaths till now. My whole family noticed my mood and knew I was still feeling bad about her abduction. I took her like my little sister. In work my coworkers noticed the sudden change in me after her abduction. I could feel the pities through their stares but I act fool to it. I want to be strong, be strong for her when she comes back and I know she will come back.

       The third day after my birthday. She was absent in work so I decided to go and see her and know the reasons for her absence in work for three working days.

        I left after work that day. I got to her house and saw no one but The door was left open and broken the pieces all over the floor, the couch was in a different position, the kitchen utensils were all scattered around, the television was broken too it was as if someone was looking for something or someone. I immediately went into her room to confirm if this was all true and behold I saw no one inside her room. I called her name several times and ended up resulting to screaming out her name out loud maybe she was pulling a prank on me  and if eventually it's a prank I'll give her a big piece of my mind on scaring me.

         I screamed out her name and no response. I'm sure at this point the neighbours could hear me but I didn't care at that point. When I realized this was all true I couldn't believe it. She had been missing and no one suspected anything? What kind of neighbors does she have?.

         This shows that indeed human beings are wicked. This is an act of carelessness. They would have reported this case the second day of her missing or don't they check on her?. Now I know they don't and I'm disappointed in them. Infact I was disgusted by their behavior. Even the mothers amongst couldn't care about her. indeed she was all alone with no support from anybody including the community.

           I left the house immediately by then it was already getting late but I had to report the case to the police station. I got to the police station and reported the case of a missing person to them. They said they'll find the perpetrators and my friend. I was praying and hoping that they will find her. All these feels like a nightmare. In a span of three days so much happened.

          What has this little girl done to deserve all these. She was brought into this world and had to face so much responsibilities. when her dad died her suffering began. Neglected by her mother some years later and took on the responsibilities of junior sister who is now late. What type of mother will neglect her own daughter the daughter she carried in her womb for months. Was she that heartless?. She had to grow past her age mentally to be ready to face the world on her own and she was definitely strong for that.

         She cared and put her late sister first before herself. She always put her loved ones before her. She cared for habiba so much. Habiba was like the light in the darkness too her and death decided to put off the light in her life.

          When I went to her house it was a mess everything was out of place. she wasn't taking care of herself and I perfectly understood her. I had a family to console me when I lost a dear one we all stood by each other which made is hot over it but she had no one except God. That was when I took it upon myself to try and take care Of her and makes sure she finds a reason to smile everyday. I started Saving up for her school without her knowledge. She deserves to be in school. And to think someone will kidnap an orphan yes! She is an orphan no mother and father. Who could that heartless person be she was a sweet soul. Who could she have offended?

        I don't feel like going to work today but I had to. It was where I got my daily income to support myself and family. I stood up dressed my bed, made my way to my wardrobe and picked out my work clothe. I swept the room and folded my clothes and kept them in the right place. Finally, I went into the bathroom to clean myself up and leave for work. I decided on skipping breakfast since I had no appetite on eating anything at this moment. It has been like this ever since the incident.dressed up and prepared for work.

        I was seriously bored nothing to keep me busy and we had little customers today. It was lonely honestly but I have to get used to it after all it has always been like this before I could this. I Never really so close to someone like this before apart from my family members. I had friends but we weren't really close to this extent.

        I remembered the night my boss that message I was so happy finally was going to fund her education even if it's for a start.  Education is essential and no child is to be deprived from learning. My dad made sure we got education.  unfortunately haddiyah wasn't lucky she dropped out of school and couldn't further her education.

       The next day after my birthday I skipped work I clearly could remember how stressed I was. I came for work the next day but was told that she didn't come for work since after my birthday and my thoughts were maybe she was still resting. She had no mobile phone to communicate with her so I decided to wait maybe she will come to work late as usual since she doesn't normally come to work early. When it was already past lunch break I knew she wasn't going to come that day and then I decided to check on her probably she was sick. since it was still early at that time. I was still happy on the news I even met with the boss after work to confirm if the message was true and indeed it was. I begged the boss I'll be the one to pass the news to her. I wanted to see her reaction, the look on her face at that moment and I knew for sure she will be so happy and grateful unfortunately things did not go out as I planned God has his own plans.

         After work today I decided to still check on the police on any news about the case. I got to the police station and wasn't pleased with what I saw. Most of the police officer where sitting talking about something unimportant and drinking alcohol. They all looked irresponsible for a police on duty. If they were off duty that would have been a different case but they were still on duty.

       I went to the one handling her  case. He was already half way drunk of I'm not mistaken it was obviously showing on his face. This was so irresponsible of them. This is no way a police officer on duty is meant to behave. I went to his table and he directed me to sit. I asked him about any findings on her case. Was their improvement? were their getting clues on her whereabouts? I was so repulsed by the answer I was given " little girl go home your friend hasn't been found and I'm sure by now she must have been Dead. We have tried our best on locating her abductors to no avail. There isn't anything we could do again so the case is closed sorry for your loss huh" meanwhile he eye were half open while drool was coming out of his mouth while talking to me. I was honestly disappointed in them. They have failed me terribly. They didn't take their job seriously because they were stationed in a little town with no one to talk them down. They don't care and we call them protectors it's only God that is protecting us. I stood up without being told twice and left without hesitation. I pray everyday for her safe return I still had faith she was going to come back.

      My biggest regret is hosting my birthday party. If I never hosted the party she wouldn't have come. She would have been home early safe and sound.  I wished I saw her before she left I would have forcefully convince her to sleep over maybe she would still be here and I won't have anything to do with the police at all and we would all be fine. It was all wishes.

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