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I woke up to the sound of a boat horn. I looked up and Sarah was in front of me crying. I gently got up to see where we were. We were in the middle of the fucking ocean...

"Sarah? Where are we?" I asked her as I walked to the door. "I already tried. It's locked" She sighs. I was scared. My mom drugged me, why would she do this?  We ended up hearing the door unlock. Please be Rafe.

"Hi girls" Ward walked in. What the fuck. Ward walks closer to Sarah trying to hug her, instead, she slaps him across the face. I watched as she sat back down to process. I ran over and hugged her. "I'm so sorry Sarah" He tried to apologize. "Get the hell away from her!" I shout. He sat right in front of us to explain himself. He escaped. 

My mom, Rose, Wheezie, and Rafe all walk into the room causing my eyes to light up at Rafe. He looks straight at me. I got up and quickly walked past my mom in fear. I grabbed onto his hand leading the two of us out of the room. We ended up at the bottom of the boat where tons of boxes were. "Ok, explain" I tell him with my arms crossed. "I wasn't going to kill him you know. He's still alive" He explains. "Yeah, I believe you" I scoff. He still sent him to the hospital, that's still pretty bad. "I told you to leave him alone Rafe, why didn't you listen to me". He walks up to me and grabs my hands. 

"My anger was in the way, but please let me just make it up to you" He begged. Remember Y/n he's trying to make it work. I tried to stay calm in front of Rafe. I couldn't, my hands were shaking and my body felt weak. I wanted to go home. "Y/n? you don't look so good. Is everything ok?" He said in a calm tone. My body felt like it was going to go down... Seconds later, I don't see Rafe in front of me anymore.

Rafe's Point of View. 

"Y/n? Y/n??". She was in my arms. I could feel her breathing but she wouldn't wake up. What did they do to her? "Help!" I shout as loud as I can to get someone. Nobody came so I ended up carrying her back to the room.

I tried going through the boiler room. I ended up seeing John B from a distance. What the fuck is he doing here? I quickly walked to the room and placed Y/n on the couch. "What did you do to her Rafe?" Said Ms.L/N. I shook my head in disbelief. "No, what did you do to her? She looked scared when you came into the room earlier" I shout in anger. She looks at me in shock "Why would you be accusing me of hurting my daughter Rafe? She was not scared" She chuckles.  She walks up to her then I push her off. "Get the fuck away from her. She was shaking ms.L/n, she wasn't herself. You better leave before you do anything else to her". Her mom quickly runs out of the room. 

"I'll be back beautiful, I have to deal with something first" I whisper into her ear. I just have to wait until she wakes up, but in the meantime, I have to deal with him first. 

Sarah's point of view.

I was in the middle of running away from my dad. When I passed by the room, I saw Rafe with Y/n, but she was unconscious. "What... What did you do to her!" I shout at him. "Sarah it's not what it looks like, she fainted". 

"Oh what an excuse Rafe. You probably drugged her just so she could be here with you". He walks over to me standing inches away. "I would never hurt her ok! I would never drug her either. I'm just as mad as you are" He shouts at me. I slap him across the face. "Bullshit Rafe! You almost drowned her!". He pushed me onto the ground. "You shouldn't have done that" He whispers. 

He carries me into a new room and locks me in there. 

Third person. 

Rafe ended up staying with Y/n the whole time she was asleep. He would check on her every thirty minutes to see if she would wake up. He really cared for this girl now that he had the cross and the girl. He just needed a place for them to stay happy together. 

Just when she saw her flutter her eyes open he hands her water in a cup to keep her awake.

Y/n's Point of view.

I woke up to Rafe sitting right in front of me. "Hey" He smiles. I slowly sit up as he hands me a cup of water. "Hey". He helps me up then hands me the cup. "How are you feeling? What happened back there?" He asks. Oh great. Straight to the questions. " Rafe I'm scared. I'm scared of her. My mom drugged me" I told him. "She did what now!" He stood up. "Rafe where are you going?" I slowly sit up. He almost walked out the door until I stop him. He turns around and looks at me. 

"Nowhere. I'm just going to talk to your mom real quick" He said calmly. "Rafe" I sigh. He grabs onto my hand. "Baby, you shouldn't be calm about this". When he said that my face immediately lit up. "I know but I just want to forget about it for now alright? I'm going to talk to her later". He shook his head angrily. He sighs. "But-" I cut him off. "Shh, I'll focus on that later. You have other things to do". He wraps his arms around me giving me a hug. 

"Attention all crew and passengers please report to the tween forward hall" We heard someone say into the intercom. Rafe and I look at each other in confusion. The two of us walk hand in hand to the hall. We met up with Wheezie, Rose, and my mother just when we were walking down there. "Stay here. I'll be back" He says. I shook my head "No. Where are you going?" I asked. "Just wait here I'm just going to check on something" He kissed me on my forehead then runs off. 

I just stood there looking at where he was going. I noticed two people who stood by the door, Kie and JJ! The two looked at me. I ran over to them before they locked the doors. "What are you guys doing here! You guys are in serious danger". 

"So are you. Did they drug you too?" Asked Kie. I sadly nod my head yes. "That's how Sarah and I both got here. You guys shouldn't be here it's way too risky". JJ laughs. "Nothing is ever too dangerous for me". He's right. "You're right JJ" I laughed. I heard the ceiling start to make a noise. "Pope!" I smiled when he was coming down. He finally got the cross for himself. 

Honestly, I was happy that Rafe got it for us, but Pope should've had it in the first place. Besides, it's family history. Rafe and I could start from the beginning on our new island. 

"Y/n? Is that you?" asked Pope. "It's me alright" I ran over to him to give him a hug. "Where's John B?" I asked the group, and they all shrugged their shoulders.

Anyways, they all ran off to get their cross. Instead of helping the teens, I just ran off to find Rafe. On my way there I ran into my mom. "Y/n! How are you feeling sweetheart" She says. I just scoff "Don't sweetheart me. You fucking drugged your own daughter!" I push her. "You were acting crazy Y/n! Rafe is slowly changing without you in his life and you're changing without him so it's obvious that you need to forget about him" She shouts at me. "Don't put all of this on Rafe mom! You could've been there for me as a mom and not drug your daughter. You're really fucked up". She runs up to me and hits me on my stomach with the fire extinguisher. I ended up falling down to the ground. I slowly get up and push her off the boat, she ended up falling into the ocean. I felt the pain in my stomach getting worst. I looked down at my stomach and saw a cut with blood gushing out. "Help!" I shout as loud as I can.

"Help me!" I shout again. I waited for help. I was in too much pain to get up by myself. I was about to shout again until I finally saw him running to me. "Help... me" I winced. "Y/n!" He runs to me and slowly carries me into his arms. I felt something on his back. I take it out and look at it. "Were you going to kill them?". Now that I had the gun in my hands I had the intention of killing her. 

"Before you get me some help. I need to do something first. Walk over to them" I tell him. He walked over to the dock where the crewmates were. They were trying to hold onto the cross, but it eventually fell into the ocean. Once we were standing by the edge of the boat I saw them on a small jet boat going away. I looked at John B and mouthed "I love you". He knew that I was going to be ok without them. I point the gun first into the distance and then at her. "Y/n? Are you sure about this?" He asked me. I point the gun straight at her and fire. She was now gone.

I throw the gun into the ocean. "Let's go take care of this," I tell him. He carries me down to the room where I was this morning. She was finally gone and my friends were finally able to get what they need without me.

The end :) I hope you guys liked this. I can't wait for season three to come out soon

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