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The next morning after the argument.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing nonstop. I was about to answer the notification when my mom calls me to the kitchen. "Y/n please come into the kitchen. We need to talk" I heard my mom say. I walk slowly towards the kitchen. I slowly open my eyes revealing that my mom was with Ward Cameron and Rafe. "Mom, what are they doing here". I was annoyed. Ward was probably going to tell me about John B.

"Sweetie, you guys are moving in with us," Ward says in excitement. "When did this happen? Mom, I don't agree with this". I wasn't going to move with The Camerons. "I know I should've had a talk with you Y/n, but I've been so busy at work that we never have time to talk". "Excuse me for one second" I pull my mom away from The Camerons. I noticed Rafe giving me a smirk when I was walking away.

"Look Y/n. Ward offered us to stay with him because I can't afford to pay for the bills". "Why didn't you tell me this before? I could've asked to get a shift at the country club. Mom, I can't stay with them, did you hear what Sarah's boyfriend did to John B?" I shout. I felt furious. Topper almost killed my best friend.

"Don't be silly Y/n, Topper is such a nice guy. He always pays extra for tips" She scoffs. "Maybe to you. You're an employee, but to me and my friends he's such a dick, and so are the other kooks". "I'm sorry baby it's what we're going to have to do, for now, and guess what! You'll be roommates with Sarah". You've got to be kidding me, with the current situation I'd rather not be near or see one. "You know what. I'll see you later. I have to go" I walked past my mom then past Ward and Rafe. I go sit down by my mom's car outside.

"I don't get why you hate my family so much, what did we ever do to you". I see a tall boy with slick-back blond hair sitting down next to me. "It's not what you did to me, it's what your boy Topper did to my best friend" I shout in anger. I had no clue my anger could be out like this in front of Rafe Cameron. "Listen, your little boy bought a gun out on my friend, He's psychotic Y/n" He whispers into my ear. Rafe whispering into my ear sent chills down my spine. No, No, No Y/n, stop thinking like this. "Don't you dare say that about my friends!" I pushed him out of my way and walked away from my house.

I ended up walking all the way to John B's on foot. It was a long walk, yet I didn't care at the moment. I walked into John B's house passing my friends who were sitting outside in his front yard. "What's her problem" I heard Pope whisper. I sat down on John B's couch, grabbed a pillow, and screamed into the pillow. I heard footsteps approaching me. I felt the couch sink a little bit due to the pressure of someone sitting next to me.

"Y/n, what happened out there?". I take my face out of the pillow revealing John B sitting next to me. "Shit happened at home, turns out I'm moving in with The Cameron's" I throw the pillow I had in my hand to JJ who was laughing by the door. "I can't move in there John B. After what that shithead did to you I wouldn't stand seeing him every day". "Holy shit, Y/n I'm so sorry" I heard more footsteps coming into the living room. I looked up from my feet seeing Kie spread her arms to hug me. I felt my phone buzzing nonstop. I took it out of my pocket and I read the caller ID, it was my mom. JJ takes my phone away from me and he answers for me. "Ms. L/n, how are you". I smiled at JJ as he was talking to my mom. "She's fine, she's just taking a little nap". He's a lifesaver.

"Goodbye now". He hands me my phone back. "Enough worrying, what did I miss? since you guys seemed pretty serious before I barged in" I chuckle. The four of them had quite worried expressions on their face. "Remember the compass John B told us about saying it was his dad's? Well, the two guys who stole John B's dad's compass were at Ms. Lana's yelling and screaming at her while we were there hiding. Do you see this dandruff? Well, it's not, it's painted". "That's why you guys were calling me, I'm sorry I didn't pick up". "It's alright Y/n, now let's go see what's in that room. Maybe we'll find something".

As John B opens the door to his dad's business room the four of us separate to find some information on the compass. "Here, look. This is the original owner, right here". John B found a frame with a whole bunch of different men that I'm guessing also owned the compass. "There's some kind of writing in the compass" I said as I examined it. John B turns the compass around reading the letters carved into it. "It's my dad's handwriting". We all tried to read what it said, but I only managed to read it as, "Redfield". "Right" JJ agrees. "Ok, what's Redfield?" Kie asks us. I shrug my shoulders up and down. I talked with JJ while John B was looking for a paper to write on.

"Guys! somebody's here" John B shouts. I face his direction seeing him with a worried look on his face. I walk towards the window. From the window, I can see a black truck and two men walking into the house. "JJ where's your gun?" Pope asks JJ. "I- I can't" JJ stutters. We were all panicking in the small room trying to find something to break us out of the room. "The one time we need the gun you don't have it" Kie looked like she was about to cry. I tried to calm her down but it was no use. "It's on the porch" JJ finally remembered.

John B opens the door for JJ and he runs out. Seconds later he runs back quickly as he possibly could. "They're on the front porch guys".  "Now how are we going to get out" I threw my hands up in the air in frustration. We heard the two men entering the house. The boys ended up opening the window so we could escape. As the window opens the five of us run out and hide in the chicken coop. "can't you do something about the chickens" Kie was whispering. The chickens next to Pope wouldn't shut up so JJ did us a slightly disturbing favor by killing a chicken. "JJ why would you do that! you could've thought of something else" I gasp. Kie started to sob while the other two boys looked at JJ upset. "Let's go!" I hear one of the men say in the distance.

Hours later I was with Kie at her dad's restaurant. She told me what happened at the lighthouse with John B while I was with Pope and JJ, apparently, John B and Kiara had kissed. Suddenly, the doors opened and the bells on the doors rang. I turned my body to see who it is, It was Pope. "Hey John B and JJ are waiting for us outside". I looked over at Kie, she had an upset expression on her face. I walked over to her before I left the restaurant. "Don't worry, just talk first and let him explain himself". I spread my arms giving her a hug before I went down to the van.

"John B she's not coming" I shout as I was leaving the restaurant. "why not" JJ exclaims. John B gets out of his van soon he walks past me and heads into the restaurant. I get in his van about to sit in the back with Pope. "So we're going to a cemetery?" I asked JJ who was smoking a blunt in front of me. "Just if Kie comes back then we will". The three of us wait for a couple of minutes until we see the two walking out happily. "now off to the creepy cemetery" Pope jokes. John B finally starts up the van and we go straight to the cemetery.

The sun was now set right when we get to the creepy dark cemetery. The five of us step foot into the creepy dark cemetery. "Seriously John B why are we even here? it's terrifying". "This place is scary" Kie agrees.

"So you know how you try to remember a song and you can't remember who sings it" John B says. "yeah" the group and I say in unison. "This whole time I thought Redfield was a place right, but it's not a place, it's a person" John B stands in front of a grave that says "Redfield" on it.

We all stare at the grave. I was thinking about who was going to go through, the door was about seven- hundred pounds so someone is going to have to go through somehow. "I can do it" Kie says. "Kie, are you sure? I can do it if you don't want to". "John B deserves to know the truth. I'll do it". John B, JJ, Pope, and I put our hands together to let Kie get to the top.

She makes her way through the small hole. "You ok?" I asked her. please give me a word or at least a signal Kie. "So far" I heard her say from the grave. Thank god she's okay I thought to myself. 

-Let's see where it goes from there!-

𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓻𝓮 *𝓡𝓪𝓯𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓸𝓷*Where stories live. Discover now