Chapter 11: Old Scars

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Which is why he has this particular obsession with Rose. She's not like everyone else, not just because she's a magic talking flower. She never once insulted him about his size, only occasionally teasing, but mostly complimenting him by calling him cute and adorable.

Those may have been embarrassing, but nothing compared to all of the insults and mockery he received from his family and school bullies. Rose is the only one who treats him differently and even gives him the positivity his own family was supposed to give him. Is that why he feels this potential crush on her?

Despite their rivalry and her being a pain in his side, she never went out of her way to berate him and complimented him.

Huge Gigantacus' face heated up. "No... No... No... There's surely an explanation to why I'm feeling this way..."

"Who are you talking to?" 

Huge Gigantacus jumped in his chair as he flinched from the jumpscare. 

"WHAT?!" He asked, furious that his employee snuck in unexpectedly.

"Uh, I got your gloves." He said, tossing Huge Gigantacus a pair of fresh golden gloves to match the color of the horns on his purple helmet.

"Good. Get the ship ready." Huge Gigantacus faced away from Iron Boarder, hiding his blush. "We're going to go stop them." 

"We're going to kill 'em?" The Iron Boarder asked. 

He thought of it. If Rose showed up, the chances of killing her would be small, smaller than him. The Crystal Gems don't scare him, but Rose is affiliated with them. Does he want to kill them? 

"No. We'd put them to work." Huge Gigantacus replied, unfocused to Iron Boarder.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Iron Boarder suggested. 

Huge Gigantacus snapped his head back so fast, he could've snapped his own neck. "You question my authority?"

"Well, I do." Iron Boarder said boldly.

Huge Gigantacus made his chair float slowly and intimidating to approach Iron Boarder. "You do...?"

"Yes." He nodded. 

"Why is that?" Huge Gigantacus replied slowly and softly, on the verge of shouting.

"Because you were talking about making sure they won't be a problem anymore, and if you really want to make sure they can't stop you, won't it be easier to thin their numbers?" Iron Boarder suggests. 

"Oh..." Huge Gigantacus remembered. "Then, we'll lock 'em up." 

"You sure?" Iron Boarder asked, checking to make sure if this is something he really wants.

"Yes, I'm sure." Huge Gigantacus snapped. "You really need to stop questioning me, or else I'll give you a pink slip." 

"But I like my 401K plan." Iron Boarder whined. 

"Then, do what I tell you to do and not question me often." Huge Gigantacus said, getting back to the situation. "We leave in an hour and we're going to stop their next retake." 

"How would we know where they're going?" Iron Boarder asked.

Huge Gigantacus pressed a button on the panel. "By monitoring the nearby sectors from the planets we've lost. They'll alert us if something enters their atmosphere. Now, go get the ship ready! I got things to prep."

He leaves while Huge Gigantacus continues to contemplate his thoughts about Rose. 

"Hey..." Huge Gigantacus calls out to Iron Boarder before he gets out of earshot. 

Steven Universe AU 3 by: Samuel152Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz