Chapter 3: Economics

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Much like the name implies, it's talking about economics, but not our economics, we don't need to be reminded of our... current situation. If you're wondering why these chapters are sorta short, it's because they're mainly fillers until the action starts to happen, then chapters become longer. So until then, enjoy these little fillers.


"HA HA HA HA HA! That makes the last planet under my control!" He shouts happily in his chair, watching the former colony of the Diamond's fall into his control.

Infrastructure was soon implemented, declining production of resources to Homeworld and start producing resources for him. All injectors, kindergartens, and spires were destroyed, stopping the production of gems in the universe. 

He takes pride in stopping gems from producing, because Homeworld already has enough, and now they're just overpopulating. If anything, everyone should be thanking him for stopping overproduction of gems, at least, that's what he thinks. All of the colonies that belonged to the Diamond Authority are now gone, they have no more control of those and all of it was transferred to him, and him alone. 

A knock was heard on his door.

"Who is it?"

"Uh, it's me, boss. Your one and only employee."

He sighed. "Come in."

The door opens and a golden, short man on a iron board floats in the room.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm celebrating over my latest planet?"

"You don't look like you're doing much, other than laughing."

"Get to your point."

"So, we have all of the Diamond's colonies."


"And we have them giving us 50% of their resource production."


"And we're pretty much armed to the teeth."

"Yes, and your point is?"

"Why haven't we attacked Homeworld yet?"

His employer laughed. "You fool. Haven't you seen Homeworld recently? They're as strong as they were before during Era-1."

"Yeah, but we have lots of weapons and resources on our side. We outmatch them with firepower and numbers."

"Yes, but their security is formidable, and we have a chance of failure. We wait."

"Wait for what? An opening? They're improving by the week! If we wait any longer, they'll be undefeatable."

His boss laughed yet again. "You clearly are dumber than you look. Haven't you realized that we took their supply line? Their flow of resources?"

"Uh, yeah."

"And so, without their supplies, they'll soon stop improving, and fall into a depression. Their economy was barely sustainable when the Gem War occurred, and all that was keeping their heads above water was their colonies to provide relief for them. With their colonies in my pocket, there's no relief and supplies, and gems will be unemployed and strikes will ensue. Ergo, their security won't be as perfect as it is now, and that'll be the perfect time to strike!" He said happily.

Steven Universe AU 3 by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now