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"what did i ask you to give minho?" 

chan's voice was strict and heavily accusing as he sat opposite jisung, staring at him like an inquisitor. as sorry as hyunjin felt for his friend, though, he could not help being happy that at least chan's attention was not on him anymore. the leader of stray kids, who had arrived at the dorm only minutes after seungmin, had ripped hyunjin a new one. 

"a light sedative... to calm his nerves," jisung mumbled, squirming under chan's gaze. hyunjin could not remember when he had last seen bang chan look so done with life. 

"correct," chan agreed softly. "what did you give him?" 

jisung bit his lip. "i'm sorry."

"what did you give him, jisung?"

timidly, jisung reached into the pocket of his shorts and showed him the blister. "this." 

chan's eyes bulged. "doxylamine?" he exclaimed. "this is a the strongest sleeping pill available. you freakin' knocked him out with it!"

"dude, how could i tell?" jisung said defensively. "your medicine cabinet is a whole pharmacy. why do you even have this pills? don't you need a prescription for them or something–"

"you could've asked me!"

it was difficult for jisung to argue with that. he made a weak attempt, though: "yeah, but i was stressed because of hyunjin. i couldn't think logically..."

chan rubbed his temples. "no one in this group thinks logically."

"leave me out of that generalization." seungmin, who had taken the furthest spot on the coach from chan and jisung and was reading a book like it was an average afternoon, pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. 

"so we fought because jisung gave you the wrong pill," hyunjin observed softly. noiselessly, he had joined minho at the window, where the older was leaning on the window board. 

minho turned his head his way, and there they were again, faces only an inch away – in a world of their own. hyunjin looked exhausted, minho noted as his gaze travelled from the younger's eyes down to his slightly parched lips and back up. he was still ethereal, though. there was something about him that drew minho in like a magnet time after time. or were they themselves two unlike magnet poles? north and south, complete opposites, attracting each other. because, boy, was this attraction strong...

his lips almost brushing against hyunjin's, minho whispered: "no, we fought because you're quick to jump to conclusions." 

hyunjin blinked, snapping out of the intimate moment. "don't pin all the blame on me." he pushed minho away. "don't pin me to the wall also," he hissed. three out of six of their fellow members were in the room. "you were an asshole this morning."

minho withdrew from hyunjin's personal space as smoothly as he had invaded it. "but i didn't pin the blame for a car crash on you," he shot back, leaning on the window board again, and stretched his neck. that nap had done nothing. he felt more tired than ever. 

according to hyunjin, no one had business being this hot while stretching his neck, but this was a conversation for another time. he blinked to chase the distraction away. "as if you were worried," he grumbled.

minho glared at him. "yah, do you know how i felt, thinking you were in some brainless bastard's car, hurt?" his eyes met hyunjin's, and the younger shivered from the intensity of his gaze. "don't do that ever again. it's in your best interest not to make me go crazy."

hyunjin lowered his head, trying to look as apologetic as possible. he still secretly thought that minho deserved it, but there was a limit to how much they could argue in one day. "i'm sorry."

"you should be."

it was hyunjin's turn to glare. "you should be too," he snapped despite himself. 

"what for? losing my mind because i thought that i lost you?" minho raised his voice, catching chan's attention – to jisung's relief.

the leader gave hyunjin a look full of reproach. "you should be sorry, hyune, and not just because of minho. i told you, everyone was crazy worried." then he frowned at minho. "but you–" chan pointed a finger at him. "i'll isolate hyunjin from you until you two learn to be nicer to each other."

"who're you to decide," minho blew up. "you can't do that."

chan folded his arms on his chest. "try me." when it came to the peace and unity of stray kids, he was ready to go to extreme lengths. 

seungmin snickered at minho's annoyed expression. "it's okay, hyung. absence makes the heart grow fonder. who knows? yours might grow so fond you'll stop using the dorms as a battlefield."

"shut up. you're the last person i need relationship advice from."

"who's the first? k-drama men?"

"get lost, will ya?" at that precise moment, minho did not have the patience to endure being exposed, especially by kim seungmin. 

"hyung, really," hyunjin joined the protest meanwhile, "we're adults. you can't decide for us."

"you behave like anything but an adult," chan countered, not sparing the younger a glance. 

"he has a point," minho admitted. 

hyunjin swatted him on the arm. 

grabbing the sore spot, minho hissed in pain. "yah, what was that for?"

"you're supposed to be on my side!"

"what could i do? chan's spitting facts."


"i what?"

"here they go again," chan murmured under his breath. 

"oh my god, jinie!" 

everyone turned toward the door. felix was standing there, his hair disheveled and his eyes like saucers, his gaze only on hyunjin. he was covering his gaping mouth with his hand as if trying to suppress a scream. 

"you're okay..." with that, felix ran toward hyunjin and enveloped him in a tight hug. he cupped hyunjin's face. "i thought– please, don't leave me like that again."

hyunjin put his hands on top of felix's. "i won't, i promise." he gave felix his softest smile. "don't cry. see? i'm okay." 

tears welled up in his eyes, though, and the sight made felix start sobbing too. he grabbed hyunjin's right hand and squeezed it tight, as if afraid of letting go. forcing a smile through his tears, he mouthed something that only hyunjin could hear. 

aside from felix and hyunjin, no one seemed to appreciate the soft, romantic moment, though. jisung, chan, and seungmin's attention was on minho, who looked like the lead in a k-drama when he sees his girl with the second main lead. chan tensed, getting ready to physically restrain minho in case the other attempted something. jisung cringed. seungmin raised an eyebrow. 

after ten torturous seconds, felix and hyunjin let go. they were still staring at each other, mesmerized, and holding hands, but at least they were not hugging anymore. 

the tension in the room dissipated as minho calmed down. chan relaxed. jisung breathed a sigh of relief. seungmin went back to reading his book.

however, as is well known, it is when one is least prepared that the most shocking twists happen.

out of nowhere, felix pulled hyunjin closer to himself again and kissed him.  


i do not know who i ship with who anymore

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