jealousy pt.1

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"you didn't tell me you're coming over," minho said as he stepped aside to let hyunjin into the dorm. he could not hide his smile as he met the younger's eyes. "as cheesy as it sounds, it's a pleasant surprise."

hyunjin returned the smile absent-mindedly. "hi."

"have you eaten?" minho asked. he did not wait for a reply. "come."

he grabbed hyunjin's arm and manhandled him toward the kitchen. "i know what's going on in your dorm. chicken breasts all day, every day. we should teach your dorm how to eat healthily."

he grabbed a bowl from the drying rack and filled it with whatever was in the cooking pot. "felix made vegetable stew. have some."

hyunjin carefully placed the bowl minho had shoved into his hands back onto the plot. "hyung–"

"not you two again," seungmin, who had entered the kitchen, exclaimed, interrupting whatever hyunjin was going to say. with a heavy sigh, he swung the fridge door open and snatched a plate of cake. "let me have my desert in peace. then you can start your lovey-dovey couple shit."

"we're not a couple yet," hyunjin corrected softly.

yesterday at the convenience store, hyunjin had told minho he would like to go on several more dates before making a decision. minho had agreed, reluctantly, that this was reeasonable.

"yet," minho emphasized.

"you are not? ah, i don't care what you are. just don't spoil my appetite," seungmin dismissed them and shoved a spoonful of chocolate cake into his mouth.

hyunjin raised an eyebrow at minho and motioned in seungmin's direction. "your dorm indeed eats healthily," he said, his voice heavy with sarcasm.

"seungmin's an embarrassing exception."

"hey!" seungmin sputtered, and a piece of cake fell out of his mouth and onto the table.

minho made a disgusted grimace and led hyunjin toward the living room. it was empty and remarkably clean – or at least so it appeared to hyunjin when he mentally compared it to the mess that 3racha had made out of their living room.

"sweet of you to come see me," minho said, smirking. "missed me already? you sure you don't want to reconsider yesterday's decision?"

"i actually came to see felix," hyunjin blurted out what he had been trying to say since the moment he had stepped over the threshold.

"ah..." minho's smile fell. disappointment started radiating from him in waves. "i thought– nevermind, i think he's in his room."

"i want to see you," hyunjin corrected himself after several seconds of awkward silence. "i just– felix texted me that he wants to talk to me about something first."

minho could not disguise his frown. "what does he want from you?"

hyunjin sighed. "he doesn't want anything from me. we haven't talked since you know, that day. he's my best friend. we... need to sort things out."

minho snorted. "hyunjin, you're too pure for your own good. if he wants you two to make up, why did he wait until now? is it us dating that bothers him?"

hyunjin opened his mind to protest, but minho cupped his face in his hands. "look at me."

"what?" hyunjin grumbled, pouting.

"i know this upsets you, but no one who's in love with someone genuinely wants to see this person happy with someone else. believe me, i know."

hyunjin sighed and removed minho's hands from his face. "so what do you want me to do? avoid felix for the rest of my life?" he asked peevishly.

minho pursed his lips. here it was again, hyunjin's diva behavior. patience, he told himself, patience.

"i did not say that," he said calmly.

"then what?" hyunjin asked, this time less peevishly.

minho forced a smile and opened his arms for a hug. hyunjin relaxed into his arms.

"just be careful, okay?" minho said, running his fingers up and down hyunjin's back in soothing patterns.

hyunjin squeezed minho's shoulder tighter and then let go. "i know, hyung."

minho smiled. "knock on my door afterwards. i want to see you."

he pecked hyunjin's cheek and headed out of the room. hyunjin did not see how quickly minho's smile turned into a fierce glare.

updating as promised :)

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