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Jason: on the contrary, we've always worked with him. Arachne was just a breather for us as Noah wanted to make sure she wouldn't get in the way of or plans for the Kishin. Once she was killed, the only obstacles left are you and the two soul-perception sisters.

Kid: that's why you had B.J. killed?

Jason: yep. His sight simply evolved too much, and would've been a real problem for us to live with the fear of someone watching over us 24/7.

Cole: and you want me gone because I'm Nephilim.

Jason: they do. Noah wants you as part of his book, but I want you as part of the challenge. Until then, I'm just gonna keep beating you with this crowbar.

He resumes, but is stopped by a voice.

Noah: that's enough, Jason. (Jason looks over to him) I want him alive. And, you don't want your rival too beaten up now, do you?

Jason: (sighs and walks over to him) yeah, you got a point. (To Cole) be grateful I'm more reasonable than Gopher here.

Kid sees Noah and another boy with him. He was called Gopher.

Noah: I apologize for Jason's treatment to you, Cole. I just need to make sure you don't try anything during your time here.

Cole: ...

Noah: and Kid. I must ask that you please refrain from reorganizing the contents of my book without permission. You have littered up the pages of my collection with this cascade of bookmarks and page tags. It may have appeared disorganized to you in the state it was in before, but I assure you that I ha it arranged in the most convenient manner for my use.

Kid: hmph. If you plan on keeping us locked up in this book, then you can at least keep the thing properly organized.

Gopher: (punches Kid) do not back talk to Lord Noah! You had better learn your place, Grim Reaper!

Cole: yeah, right. Trying to get Kid to relax about symmetry is like trying to convince a cat not to knock stuff off the counter.

Gopher: and better keep your—

Before he could kick Cole, Jason grabs his foot and flips him over and gets him in a painful position to break his leg.

Jason: keep your hands off my rival. I'm the only one who can beat him.

Noah: that's enough you two! Jason, Cole has learned enough and will behave for today. And Gopher, just how much more damage do you intend to inflict on these prized pieces of my collection? I dare say you're the one who must learn your place.

Jason lets Gopher go, and he stands up in bows in apology. Moria, Giriko, and Justin join in on the situation.

Moria: well, we now know who's the favorite of the kids.

Giriko: (holds a beer) aw, screw that. That was awesome. Hit 'em s'more. This shit is the perfect sideshow for my drink.

Justin: it's not good for your health to fly off the handle like that, Gopher.

Cole: that voice. Is that Justin? The church guy who's a Death Scythe?

Kid: yeah. Except he's not on our side.

Justin: the same goes for Kid and the young Shimada. Letting go of some of those rule-bound fixations of yours and going with the flow of madness and chaos in the world a little bit can be a good thing, you know.

Kid: (glares at him)

Justin: (sarcastic) oh dear, oh dear, what scary eyes. I supposed you'd like to get this traitor to confess his sins and repent?

The Blind Meister (Soul Eater OC story) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz