Second Chances

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There are moments in your life when you hope and pray for second chances. The dream of getting the chance to undo something you know you could have done better if only given a chance is a tantalizing dream hardly any of us ever get on Earth. But what they do not teach you is that once your soul leaves your body, you get the chance to live your life again. 

During my time on Earth, I never gave much thought to the afterlife. I was never very religious, but I didn't think it would land me in Hell. Maybe it was the unpaid speeding ticket, or maybe it was the fact that I told some Karen in the supermarket she could rot in fucking hell. Or maybe...maybe it was the time I was on a flight from Oklahoma to Montana and told some brat who kept kicking the back of my seat that if he didn't stop the plane would fly straight into a mountain. 

Whatever it was, it landed me in what turned out to be my second chance. I could be anything I wanted to be, so when carving out a niche of the circle for myself, I built it to resemble the glamourized paintings of an Arthurian court I had admired for my entire living life. And at the center of this court, I reigned as a queen.

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