Sheep Shifting

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At Davenport Tower in the penthouse, Kaz and Oliver are sitting at a table...)

Oliver: Okay, the timer is set. Nothing better than pranking new victims on Halloween.

Kaz: This is perfect. Bree just did her hair and Chase has no sense of humor. What could possibly go wrong?

Oliver: They have no idea what's about to hit them.

Bree: So, are we just gonna pretend that we don't notice Kaz and Oliver plotting something over there?

King: It's easier that way. I'm not getting involved until something explodes.

(Skylar comes down and Oliver goes over to her.)

Oliver: Hey, Skylar. I just wanted to remind you about my standing offer for one romantic dinner, and that offer also applies to romantic lunch, breakfast, smoothie and other selectic beverages.

Skylar: Sure. How about dinner tonight?

Oliver: I get it. You're busy. I totally understand. (He walks off, but runs back.) Wait, did you just say yes?

Kaz: Oliver, you can't do dinner tonight. We have plans. Annual Halloween pranks. We've been doing them together since we were eight. (Points to Bree and Chase) New victims.

Skylar: Oh, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot that it was Halloween. We can do dinner tomoorrow.

Oliver: No. No, no, no. You already said yes. You can't take it back. We're doing this! (Runs to the kitchen and gathers plates.) She said yes. All right, where do I begin? (The timer goes off and pumpkin explodes on him.) Hey, I still have a date with Skylar. Not even a nose full of pumpkin can change that.

(Intro plays)

. . .

(In Mission Command)

Kaz: (Runs in) Chase, help! I was flying around the city and I clipped a radio tower!

Chase: (Looks at him) You'll be fine.

Kaz: Oh come on! What gave it away?

Chase: Rubber arm, fake blood, and you have two left hands.

Kaz: (Takes rubber hand off) I'm not Oliver. All my pranks are lame. His recipe for fake blood is amazing, second only to his oozing "marshmallow pus."

Chase: (Chuckles) You two have a very odd relationship.

Kaz: Hey. Hey, you're smart. You want to help me pull off some pranks? I got my sights set on Bree. I'm thinking something in the realm of corn.

Chase: As fun as that sounds, and it doesn't, I got a lot of work to do. You remember when Roman and Riker blasted out our widows?

Kaz: Of course I remember. The glass got everywhere. I had to throw out a whole bowl of salsa.

Chase: Well, I was able to extract their DNA from the flash drive they left behind. If I can isolate the components of their shape-shifting power, I can replicate it and figure out a way to stop them from using it. Then we'll finally get rid of the biggest threat to superheroes this world has ever known.

Addison: Mmm! But it's Halloween!

. . .

Perry: Aah!

Bree: What's goin' on, Perry?

Perry: It's Halloween! That means it's my turn to die! You may recall that I was a child actor on the hit TV show, "The Little Squirts".

Bree: Nope.

Perry: Well, I was. Here, I'll show you. The series was canceled after a horrible accident killed an actor on Halloween night.

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