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(King opens the Acturion case. Sklyar, Chase, Addison Kaz and Oliver run in.)

Skylar: No, King, don't!

(King is about to touch the Acturion. Skylar blasts the Arcturion and blast ricochets to king, blasting her into wall. She falls to the ground and everyone rushes over to her)


(Skylar and Chase help King stand.)

King: What did you blast me for?

Skylar: I wasn't aiming at you! I didn't want you to touch the Arcturion. I was trying to save your life!

Oliver: Yeah. If you actually touched it, let's just say, there'd be one less person on AJ's list.

Kaz: But just to be clear, Chase, you'd still be at the bottom.

King: Wait. So- So the rock could've killed me?

Chase: Yeah. What were you doing with it in the first place?

King: I don't know. I found it in the cabinet. I thought if I touched it, I'd get more powers.

Addison: Why would you want more powers?

Kaz: Yeah. I mean, we could understand Chase, but-

Chase: Okay, we get it! I'm at the bottom! king, what's going on?

King: Speed has always been my thing. And then when Skylar and Bree came in and had speed to, it just... made me feel less important. I can't control any other powers.

Skylar: You know that's not true.

King: Yeah, but when I saw my name near at the top of AJ's list, I realized other people think I'm unimportant too. Look, I know that touching the rock was selfish, but... I just wanted to feel special again.

Bree: I get it, but it's just too risky. I'll take the Arcturion back to Facility Y. (Went over and picked Acrturion up)

Kaz: Oh, you know, that's- that's pretty far. Maybe we should just keep it in the cupboard and hope for the best.

(Sklyar slaps Kaz's hand away)

. . .

(Elite Force go back to Mission Command)

Chase: Hey, where's the hoverbike?

Oliver: AJ. That sneaky little punk.

Chase: No, it's not his fault. It's mine. I accused him of taking the Arcturion. He's just trying to get back at me by stealing the bike. Look, I can track him by using the bike's locator. (Takes out phone and tracks AJ) Looks like he's joyriding around the tunnels. Come on. We can cut him off this way. (Him, Oliver and Kaz go into the tunnels)

Addison: King? Are you okay?

King: I don't know. Ever since you zapped me, I've been in a lot of pain.

Skylar: That's weird. I didn't even fire at full strength. Hold on. When my lightning blast ricocheted off the orb, it must've magnified my power. That's why you're-

{King collapses on ground)

Skylar: King! King!

. . .

(Chase, Kaz and Oliver arrive in tunnel)

Chase: Okay, AJ should be speeding through here any second now. Guys, get in position.

Kaz: Got it.

Oliver: Right.

Kaz: Uh, question. What exactly is the standard position for catching a ten-year-old on a hover bike?

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