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(at the terrace of Davenport tower)

Chase: Kaz, buddy, there's plenty of room over here. You don't have to eat on the floor.

Kaz: I'm not eating on the floor. I'm preparing my food on the floor.

Oliver: Ooh, my favorite, hot dogs on a rake!

Bree: Wow, you actually made tubes of random animal parts even more disgusting.

Kaz: Hey, they only look gross because I haven't grilled them yet. (Chuckles) Who's disgusting now? Oh. Oh. Wet leaf. (Laughs)

Skylar: Yeah, You do know I just used that rake to clean the gutters. Right?

Oliver: Mmm, you can taste yesterday's rain.

King: You boys are ridiculous. Your powers are a gift. You shouldn't be wasting them on trivial things.

Bree: Yeah, you guys are always using your powers when you don't have to. Yesterday Oliver flew across the street just to go to the grocery store.

Kaz: That was an emergency. We were out of Loopy Loops. And you know what, for your information, girls are just as bad. When Mr. Davenport called, you used your vocal manipulation to pretend to be me.

Bree: OK, calm down, all I said was... (In Kaz's voice) Bree's not here. Stop calling, old man.

Kaz: Oh, so you made me look bad?

Addison: who wouldn't.

Bree: Yes, that was the goal. And, yes, I occasionally use bionics to make my life easier. But I can stop whenever I want. You guys are the ones that have no control.

Kaz: Oh, really? Well, then I propose a challenge, guys versus girls, to see who can go the longest without using bionic abilities or superpowers. Last man or woman standing wins.

Bree: You're on.

Chase: I'm in.

Skylar: Me too.

Addison: Me too. King?

King: screw that.

Oliver: I just want to touch Skylar's hand.

Chase: You ladies are going down. I mean, when you calculate the statistical odds and factor in the lopsided ratio of the three of us against two of you, the boys have an 86.37 percent chance of winning.

Bree: Interesting. And how exactly did you calculate those odds?

Chase: Yeah, I'm out.

. . .

Chase: Hey, Douglas, whatcha up to?

Douglas: Just looking for a place nearby to grab a nice macaroon. (Clicks tongue)

Chase: A macaroon?

Douglas: Hey, just because I'm a little rough around the edges doesn't mean I can't enjoy a sophisticated treat. By the way, you need to be more careful. It's your job to secure this place and you left that rock wall open last night.

Chase: (Scoffs) What? No, I didn't. I locked down the entire perimeter before I went to bed.

Douglas: Well, I was the first one down here this morning and it was wide open.

Chase: Let me check last night's security footage. (Beeping) That's weird. It's been wiped. I bet it was Roman and Riker!

Douglas: Freeze!

Chase: Who are you?

AJ: My name is AJ. I live a floor above you guys. (To Douglas)Are you gonna drop the weapons or are you seriously afraid of a little kid?

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