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Bree: You're halfway there. Keep it up, Zoe. Go.

Chase: Run, Bob, run! There's no way he can catch up. I gotta do something.

Bree: Hey, no, no, no. We said we were not going to use bionics to help our kid win.

Chase: Yes, but we never said anything about using our bionics to make sure the other kid doesn't win.

Bree: Oh, no, you don't!

. . .

Announcer: Here they come to the finish line!

Zoe: I'm almost there.

Chase: I don't think so.

Bob: I'm gonna win. I'm gonna win!

Bree: Oh, no, you're not.

Bob: Hey, how'd I get back here?

Chase: Stop!

Bree: You stop, stop!

Announcer: And the winner is Bob!

Chase: Yes! Yes! I won! The torch is mine!

Bob: Give me that. I don't want to run with you.

Chase: What?

Bob: You should run with your dad.

Zoe: Really?

Bob: Yeah. You're the only one who played fair. And besides, I've decided to retire on top and never run again.

Zoe: Fine by me. Whoo hoo!

Bree: Hey, I'm really proud of you, Bob. You did the right thing. You know, this is sportsmanship at its best.

Chase: Yeah. And this is my magnetism app at its best.

Zoe: Hey!

Chase: See you in Rio.

. . .

Oliver: We've tried every piece of medical equipment left over from Mighty Med. And nothing worked. I knew I couldn't fix him.

Kaz: We still have this industrial brain drill.

Clutch: That's it, Clutch is calling the police! Can Clutch borrow your phone?

Oliver: All right, well, I don't want this coming down on you two. So, I'll take the fall. I guess from now on I'll have to "tap the power within" my prison cell. Wait, that's it. I've to tap the power within.

Skylar: What do you mean?

Oliver: My cryo-blast! Injured athletes use cryo-therapy all the time. They expose their bodies to extremely cold temperatures in order to stimulate muscle fibers and joints.

King: Yeah, yeah, I read about that. It speeds up the healing process.

Oliver: Exactly.

Skylar: Oliver, that's a great idea.

Oliver: Thanks. Now, this is a much more concentrated version, but I think it can work.

Skylar: Yeah, I mean what's the worst that could happen? It could freeze every bone in his foot and shatter them like icicles.

Clutch: What?

Kaz: Or it could give him severe frostbite, in which case the entire foot would have to be removed.

Clutch: What?!

Addison: Do it, Oliver.

Oliver: OK, here goes.

Clutch: No, wait. Clutch cold.

Oliver: Kaz, use your fire power to defrost him.

Clutch: Clutch hot. You fix Clutch. Little dude, you are Clutch's hero.

Oliver: Clutch, you're crushing the power within.

. . .

Oliver: This is so cool. Can't believe you're actually gonna sign my bicep.

Clutch: Clutch is gonna need a fine-tip pen.

Skylar: Called it.

Kaz: Hey, guys, remember Clutch?

Chase: Oh, hey, Clutch. Why is he in our house?

Kaz: Ah, well, Oliver shattered his foot. And then Skylar abducted him from the hospital. Then we fixed him in our top secret command center where no one's ever supposed to go. So how was your day?

Addison: great way to tell the story...

Bree: Great, we used our bionics to crush the dreams of innocent children.

Chase: Wow, we really are an Elite Force.

King: you could say that again


Kaz: today was a crazy day sweetheart.

King: Yeah he got kidnapped by Oliver and Skylar. Bree and Chase beat Bob with another child. We really did act like like a elite force.

Kaz: that's why we're so good together.

King: yeah I suppose.

Kaz: that's why we're dating

King: yeah I wish that we could just do it regardless.

Kaz: just wait and see

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