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Chase: Mmm! You were right about these macaroons. They are great. All right, last but not least, our online calendar is all secure. It'd take about two years of decoding for any outsider to even see when my birthday is.

Douglas: June 1st?

Chase: August 5th. But close, Dad. Well, twenty-four hours and no AJ. I successfully locked him out! No one makes a fool of Chase Davenport and gets away with it! No one!

(Machines whirring)

Douglas: Hey! What are you doing?

Chase: Disarming the security system I worked so hard to perfect.

King: Why?

Chase: I don't know! My mind is telling me to do it even though I don't want to. Also, I'm proud to announce that I am the dumbest man in the world!


Douglas: AJ! What'd you do?

AJ: I re-programmed Chase's bionic chip so I could control it.

Chase: You what?

AJ: That's right. I didn't have to break into Mission Command. I broke into you.

. . .

(In Mission Command)

Chase: (Clapping) I'm really impressed that you tapped into my chip. You are so much smarter than I am. Stop making me say things! And stop making me clap!

AJ: Fine!

(Tablet beeps)


Chase: Don't encourage him! This is a major security breach!

King:All right, fine. Fun's over. AJ, give me the tablet.

(Tablet goes flying and sticks to Chase, along with other metal objects)

Chase: Ow! Douglas, what's going on?

Douglas:When AJ tapped into your chip, he must've caused a glitch. Your Magnetism App has gone haywire. Oh no. It's a heavy bracelet day. (Douglas gets pulled in by app and stuck)

AJ: See, this is why kids shouldn't play with technology.

. . .

Addison: Hey, Kaz. (Giggles) Look what I have!

Kaz: My phone?

Addison: Oop! Aren't you gonna fly down and go get it?

Kaz: Nah, it's good. I've been meaning to get back into letter writing.

Addison: Oh. OK. Well... look what else I have.

Kaz: My brand-new limited edition high tops?

Addison: Oh, oops.

Kaz: (Strained) Please stop.

Addison: Oh, I am just getting started. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go back up to your room and throw out all your clothes. That's right, it's gonna be raining tightey-whiteys.

Kaz: Addison is a she-devil! I'm never gonna win this thing.

Oliver: Yeah, you will. We just need to throw Skylar and Addison off her game and get her to use her powers. And if anyone can get her to do something, it's this guy.

Kaz: Sorry, buddy, but the only thing you're good at getting Skylar to do is reject you.

Oliver: She is not rejecting me, she is waiting for our love to blossom. And this is about something bigger. It's about us men sticking up for each other.

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