Power Play Pt 1

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(Chase walks in with a bucket.)

Oliver: Hey Chase, what're you doing?

Chase: Oh, I just reinforced all the windows with an impenetrable polymer I designed to keep this place safe from any threat.

Oliver: Oh yeah? Well... (Holds up sandwich) I just made myself a grilled cheese.

(Skylar and Addison walks in.)

Skylar: Mm, something smells good.

Oliver: Yep. That's my sandwich.

Skylar: No, smells more like reinforced polymer.

Oliver: Oh, you!

(Oliver accidentally fires his hydrokinesis at her.)

Skylar: Oliver!

Addison: seriously?

Oliver: I'm sorry! It was an accident. (Sighs) I'm still trying to get the hang of my powers.

Skylar: Oh, you poor thing. It must be so hard for you.

Oliver: Skylar, tha- that's not what I meant.

Skylar: No, no, no. Thank you once again for reminding me how you have powers and I don't. (Takes Oliver's sandwich and leaves.)

Oliver: Alien chicks... Am I right?

Chase: Yeah, I still don't get it. If Skylar was born a superhero, then why didn't she have any powers?

Addison: She used to, but a human-turned-mutant called the Annihilator drained them out of her. Put them on a shelf as a trophy.

Chase: Okay, I'm sorry, but you have to agree. That just sounds ridiculous!

Addison: so does us.

(Chase walks over to Oliver.)

Chase: Look, if Skylar's gonna be part of this team, then I have got to find a way to get her powers back.

Oliver: No. I have to be one to get her powers back.

Chase: Why you?

Oliver: Because. Then she falls in love with me, then we get married, then we live our happy little superhero lives together forever in a space castle!

Chase: You know, in your funny yet creepy little world, I believe that could happen.

Oliver: I've been trying to get back her powers for years. So far no luck.

Chase: Well, that's because you didn't have my vast scientific knowledge to help you, and now you do. I'll even give you all the credit so she thinks you're the hero.

Addison: that's no such a good idea.

Chase: quiet!

Oliver: Thanks buddy. You're the best, you know one day I'll do something for you.

(Accidentally fires his hydrokinesis at Chase's face)

Chase: You could start by getting me a towel.

(Intro plays)

. . .

(In Mission Command)

(Oliver walks in)

Oliver: How's it going down here?

Chase: I think I might be on to something. If Skylar was born with powers, then the cells that created them are still inside her body, they're just dormant. So if science applies, which who know if it will since we're dealing with... Well, let's just call her what she is: a freak. We might be able to stimulate those dormant cells. Does Skylar have any weaknesses?

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