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Riker: I'm taking that list. The only question is, how much I have to hurt you to get it.

. . .

Roman: Right now, my brother's retrieving your list of superheroes, and taking out the rest of your team. So congratulations. You're all failing at the same time.

Oliver: You protect Crossbow. I'll take him out with my super strength. You're going down. Da-da-da-da-da-da!

Addison: "A" for effort.

King:You're really getting on my nerves.

Roman: Say good-bye to your bestie.

Riker: Roman, stop. Don't do it.

Roman: Why not?

Riker: I've got the list, but they've already sent out the alert. The other superheroes know we're coming. Let's keep her alive so we can use her as bait to draw them to us.

Roman: Good idea.

Chase: Don't move!

Riker: They must've followed me.

Roman: They'll be sorry they did.

Skylar: Stand back. They're making their swarm.

Roman: It's not working.

Riker: Probably because I'm not Riker.

Bree: You just got cyber cloaked.

Kaz: That's right, and I was Bree.

Oliver: Why?

Kaz: I don't know. I just wanted to use the cyber cloak.

Roman: Where's my brother?

Bree: In an industrial freezer so he can't shape-shift his way out.

Chase: Give it up, Roman. You've been outsmarted. Now you're outnumbered.

Roman: This is interesting. How about a trade?

Kaz: Crossbow for your brother.

Roman: No. Crossbow for my brother... and the list.

Oliver: That's not a fair trade.

Bree: Yeah, 'cause up to this point, he seemed like such an honorable guy.

Crossbow: Don't do it.

Roman: That's my offer. You can take it, or say good-bye to Crossbow forever.

Addison: Stop! We'll take the deal.

Crossbow: Skylar, please don't.

Kaz: If Roman and Riker get that list, they'll take out every superhero on it.

Addison: We'll find a way to stop them.

Skylar: And what if we can't? You're putting the life of one hero over all the rest.

King: I can't just let her die. If she was your friend, you'd take the deal.

Bree: She's right. I'll get Riker and the list.

Roman: Good choice. Let Riker go. Now the list.

Bree: Crossbow first.

Roman: Same time.

Crossbow: Don't do it! King, you've done all you could to protect me. Just... just keep the other heroes safe.

King: No. I'm not just gonna let you die.

Roman: This is it! Everything we need to wipe out the rest of these pathetic heroes. You keep this safe. No!!


Skylar: Crossbow!

Crossbow: (Gasping) Don't... let them win. (Coughs)

Addison: No.

Riker: One superhero down.

Roman: And now it's time to exterminate the rest. List or no list.

Riker: Forget this. I'm out.

Roman: Riker. Get back here, you coward. This isn't over.

Chase: Come on. We gotta get her outta here.

. . .

Bree: Crossbow sacrificed herself so the others could live. That makes her a true hero.

King: She's gone, and it's all my fault.

Chase: Nobody blames you.

King:Well, you should. I messed everything up.

Addison: we messed up!

Oliver: No. I'm the one who offered to take you to Crossbow. I couldn't stand to see you hurting.

King: Thanks, Oliver. But I started this. And now, I have to live with it.

Kaz: Wait a minute. Crossbow's gloves are powered by Horologian pearls, right?

Oliver: Just like the self-regeneration paddles at Mighty Med.

Kaz: Exactly. So maybe we can use the energy from Crossbow's gloves to repair the damage to her body.

Oliver: We just need to direct the energy into her body instead of away from it.

Skylar: That's a great idea.

Kaz: Turn them inside out.

(Gasps sharply)

Bree: I don't believe it. It worked.

Skylar: Yes!

Addison: thanks God!

Chase: So they brought her back to life by turning her gloves inside out. Superheroes. I give up.

. . .

Chase: Good news. All of the superheroes have received our encrypted message. The only bad news is that Roman and Riker are still out there, and something tells me they're not giving up.

Rodissius: First you fail to procure the list of superheroes. And then you fail to capture even one member of this so-called Elite Force.

Roman: We'll get them. We just need more time.

Rodissius: We don't have time!! It was my mistake to think that I could count on you, my eldest son, to make your father proud.

Roman: Just tell us what to do.

Rodissius: You've done enough. It's time to switch things up. This time, the Elite Force won't know what hit them.

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