the superhero code Pt 2

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Kaz: (Points to gap) Hey come on, you got about two inches here. Can you fit through this? Come on!

(King runs in)

King: Why is that alert going off? Why are you in here? (Notices Kyle in cages and screams) What did you do?!

Kaz: I- I was showing Kyle around, and then all of a sudden, the cage locked, got all electric-y, that thing starts blarin'... Don't you people have alarms that are a little less jarring? Perhaps some wind chimes or the gentle chirp of a cricket?!

King: I can mute the alert, but the cage is locked for security reasons. Why did you even let him in there?

Kaz: To prove that I'm cooler than you. I think it's working.

King: He initiated lockdown mode. I'll have to disarm it remotely. (Types, but computer makes faulty noise) Oh, come on. Why isn't my password working? Did Kyle touch something?

Kaz: Of course he touched something, he's my brother; we're touchers!

King: Well, great. Whatever buttons he pushed changed my password. Now she's locked in there, and I'm gonna have to use my bionics to get him out.

Kyle: Yes! Awesome!

Kaz: Oh, it's not that awesome. (Spots bolt cutters) What if I just used these steel bolt cutters to cut through the cage?

King: No. If you touch metal to the cage, the jolt will electrocute you in an instant. Let me try using my molecular kinesis to control them.

(Lifts up bolt cutters with his molecular kinesis)

Kyle: Woah!

Chase: Stand back, Kyle.

(Bolt cutters touch perimeter, shoot backwards and hit king to the ground nearly unconscious)

Kaz: king! (Rushes forward to her)

Kyle: Is she okay?

Kaz: honey wake up. I need you, this can't be the end.

Kaz: (Kneeling) Yeah. I think so. But I have to say, for a bionic hero, that was very disappointing.

. . .

(On the terrace, Bree and Addison hears something break and walks inside)

Addison: Oliver, I thought I told you, no more...

(Sees Skylar next to smoking coat rack)

Bree: Skylar?

Skylar: Hi...

Bree: Why is the coat rack smoking?

Skylar: It is? (Looks down) Oh it is.

Addison: And is that my brand-new expensive leather jacket that was on the rack?

Skylar: No. (Hides jacket behind her back)

Addison: Give me that. (Grabs jacket) Skylar, how could you do this?

Skylar: Okay, it was an accident. I just haven't quite mastered my powers since I got them back.

Bree: Okay, so you burn my jacket?

Skylar: And I broke her tablet. And I shredded your purse.

Bree: My purse?!

Skylar: Oh, you haven't seen that yet?

Addison: That's great. Now we have to go apologize to Oliver because I blamed him for everything you did.

Skylar: I know. And... I'm really sorry.

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