the superhero code Pt 1

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(At Davenport Tower)

Oliver: Lunch is ready!

Chase: I'll grab the plates.

Oliver: Oh, just like you grabbed the heart of the girl I love?

Chase: Still not over me getting Skylar her powers back, huh?

Oliver: Nope. And you'll notice your tomato slice is very thin.

Bree: Wow, you showed him.

Oliver: Yeah, I also skimped on his lettuce.

Bree: (Sarcastically) Oh no, stop the madness. (Walks over to bench) I will get the plates.

(Opens cupboard, plates fall out in pieces)

Bree: Why are they all broken? What happened?

Oliver: Well, I was doing the dishes, and I accidentally broke them with my super strength.

Skylar: That still doesn't answer why you put them back in the cabinet.

Oliver: (picking up a piece) Because now we have service for 36 tiny people.

(Kaz walks in)

Kaz: Hey guys.

King: Hey, Kaz, I didn't smell you come in. Did you shower?

Kaz: Yeah, I had to. My younger brother Kyle's coming to visit... and the pen I was chewing on exploded all over my face.

Chase: I didn't know you had a little brother.

Kaz: Yeah, well, growing up, Kyle and I never really bonded, but now that he's older and I moved away, I think he misses me. This is our chance to finally become best buds. (Doorbell chimes) That's him. (Door opens revealing Kyle) Kyle!

Kyle: The bionic people! (Tosses backpack to Kaz and runs over to the rest of the group)

Kaz: Wow, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you're more excited to see them than me.

Kyle: I am.

(Intro plays)

. . .

Kyle: So when my mom told me that Kaz was an intern with the bionic people, I just had to come see for myself.

Kaz: Okay, well, now you saw 'em so, what do you say you and I get outta here and take our chances eating some street meat.

Kyle: Kaz, do you mind? The grown-ups are talking. I can't believe I'm sitting next to the Chase Davenport. You're my favorite bionic hero.

Chase: I get that all the time.

Skylar: Really? 'Cause I've never heard that. Seriously. Never. Not one time.

Addison: kind of a push over.

Oliver: Wow. She does not like you.

Bree: (Walking in) Okay, Kyle, your room's all set.

Kyle: Thanks. Wait 'til my friends hear that Bionic Bree made my bed. (Runs upstairs)

Addison: Or more accurately, Bionic Bree threw your backpack into an empty room.

Kaz: Great. So this entire time, I thought he was excited to come see me, but really, he was using me to get to you guys.

Chase: (Chuckles) Yeah, how about that? Come on, can you blame him? Who would want to hang out with the intern?

Oliver: Why did you tell him that?

Kaz: I was trying to come up with a cover story. It was either that or chauffeur. I didn't think I could pull off the hat. Why am I even lyin' to him? I'm just gonna tell him that I'm a superhero.

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