the rise of seven Pt 2

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(Back in Mission Command)

Donald: I can't believe you let them take Kingdra! All because you couldn't work together as a team! Her father is gonna kill me!

Chase: It's not my fault! (points to Kaz) He's the one who took off on his own!

Donald: It doesn't matter! You're a leader it's your responsibility to look out for them!

Kaz: No, no, Chase is right. I let my emotions get the best of me. From now on we work together instead of against each other. (puts fist out and after a moment Chase fist bumps him back)

Skylar: Good. Now how do we find Kindriga?

Chase: Without a way to track her, it's almost impossible. They could of taken her anywhere.

(Everyone moves to stand around CyberDesk)

Oliver: Normally when I'm looking for skylar, I just follow her sweet flowery scent. (Everyone gives him a strange look) That's probably not gonna work today.

Bree: Whatever we do, we have to move fast. Without her powers not working right, she doesn't stand a chance against those guys.

Oliver: Let's check the video again. Maybe we missed something. (runs over to the screen)

Chase: (walks over to Oliver) Don't bother. I scoured every frame of that video. There's nothing there that can help us.

Oliver: (points to the screen) Not even this faded number on the sign behind them?

Chase: Oh, come on! What do you have some mystical superpower that allows you to see that?

Addison: Yeah, it's called eye-sight.

Bree: Hey, wait. There's more to it, but it's covered with dirt.

Chase: If I do a spectral isolation scan, I can contrast the elements to see whats under there. (Uses his bionic eye to scan the image) It's the subway station at 128th street.

Donald: There is no subway station at 128th street. I mean there was one 40 years ago when I was ... 10 years from being born. But the city abandoned it after a really bad flood.

Addison: Wait, shape-shifters naturally dwell in dark cavernous spaces. That must be where they're keeping Kindriga.

Chase: Let's go.

(Oliver, Bree, Skylar and Addison Chase and Kaz begin to walk out of the room)

Donald: I'll send the directions to your chip. You can still get there through an old underground tunnel. I used to play there 40 years ago when I was... You know what I'll send you the directions.

. . .

(Roman and Riker walk through old subway station. Skylar is locked in a cell)

Riker: Well, well, well. Skylar Storm! Looks like you lost this battle.

Kingdra: You won't get away with this. My team will find me.

Roman: I'm sure they will. But it will be too late for you. By the time they get here we'll be onto our next superhero. And the next, and the next until all of you are destroyed.

Riker: (walks toward Roman) Yeah, if we can actually find them.

Roman: (grabs Riker) Hey, we'll find them (shoves Riker away). Because she's gonna tell us exactly where they are. (walks towards Kingdra)

Roman: we'll be together soon.

Oliver: Get away from her!

(The rest of the Elite Force enters)

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