Father's Big Surprise

Start from the beginning

Duncan panted heavily as he looked at the unconscious little demon in front of him. "Guess there are some carnivorous bunnies around. No letting your guard down here, Duncan," he mumbled and rolled his eyes at his own words while shaking his head in disbelief.

"Alright. Let's just find out where dad is and get there first before I run into more of these little creatures," Duncan said to himself and started walking further into the cave once again as he inhaled deeply once more, trying to pick up on Belloc's scent once again.

Once he's picked up the smell, Duncan wasted no time following after it and picked up his pace. But there was something about his father's scent that changed the more he walked further towards it. It was still the same and was still strong, but something about it was just different than before. He shook his head and focused on following the scent and soon, it led him to a dead end, making Duncan confuse once again. The scent trail definitely ended here, but there was no sign of his father around. He looked around for a few minutes, trying to see if there was any path hidden around and that was until he took a few steps back and looked up to see a small tunnel up the wall. He smirked and took a few more steps back before he jumped onto some rock formations and took another leap towards the tunnel. He managed to reach the wall just below the tunnel and held onto it with his claws before he decided to climb the rest of the way up.

Duncan climbed into the small tunnel with ease and looked ahead the rocky path which looks like it leads to the other side of the wall and Belloc's scent continued down the tunnel. There was just only one question to ask.

How in the world did his father, Belloc, a hundred- and twenty-feet fire breathing dragon, go through this tunnel which was only big enough for a human to go through?

"What are you up to, dad?" Duncan mumbled and started walking through the tunnel in his thoughts. Eventually, he reached to the end of the tunnel and found that the tunnel was connecting to another huge cave full of crystals which was similar to the one he saw when Belloc first took him to the Kaiju lair before. He jumped down to the ground and started following his father's scent once again while examining the huge crystal formations around him.

Once again, Duncan wondered about how Belloc managed to get here through that small human-sized tunnel as he continued to walk further into the crystallized cave, looking for hia father until he finally started to see a man standing there with his back facing him and his arms crossed.

Duncan found himself confused once again at the sudden appearance of this stranger in front of him. First there was a little rabbit demon and now, there was this man in front of him.

He had a long black hair and Duncan could see from the man's forearms that his skin was crimson red which means that this man wasn't just any regular guy, not to mention the horns poking out from his head and those sharp black claws growing on his fingers. 'Was he a kaiju?' Duncan wondered silently in his mind as he looked at the man who was still facing away from him. The man's figure was well-built, and he only wore a pair of black pants without bearing a shirt, what's more strange was that Duncan could smell his father's scent coming directly from this stranger in front of him. Just who was he?

He took a step forward and was about to reach out towards the man along with a question, but stopped when the man suddenly took a deep sniff in the air and smirked, "You got here faster than I expected, Duncan."

Duncan's eyes widened and his jaws dropped, his mind immediately recognizing whose voice it was. But his surprise didn't last for long as the man suddenly lunged at him before he had any time to react and started attacking him rapidly. Duncan grunted as he quickly held his arms up in front of him, blocking the man's powerful punches, flinching even more with surprise when his eyes met with those glowing, fiery, golden eyes that belonged to none other than the King of the Kaijus, "DAD?!!"

Duncan's astounded expression only seem to have amused Belloc even more as his smirk widened and he continued to attack Duncan who tried his best to block his attacks before he suddenly dropped down and swiftly kicked Duncan's leg with great force, catching Duncan by surprise as he fell down onto the ground with a loud thud and a startled yelp.

Duncan groaned in a daze as Belloc finally stopped attacking and looked down at him with a grin, "You should never let your guard down when you are in a territory of your enemies, son," Duncan heard his father said and looked up to see him staring down at him with his arms crossed and an amused grin. "Oh yea, I definitely learned that while I was on my way here with those little nasty rabbits," Duncan replied, quickly sitting back from the ground. "Ah, yes. The little blood thirsty vermin. They tend to deceive their preys with their looks," Belloc said and Duncan only nodded as he got up, taking into his father's humanly appearance which was still new to him. Belloc was definitely a head taller than him and his body was bigger and stronger than him as well. It was very jaw-dropping for Duncan to see his father like this for the very first time in his life.

 "H-How did you change yourself into this?" he slowly asked, still surprised as ever and Belloc smirked once again, crossing his arms at Duncan who was still staring at him with the look of pure shock on his face. "Well, how do you expect your mother and I conceived you?" he said with a grin and Duncan's eyes widened once again as he shook his head, holding his hands up in front of him. "Whoa, okay. Okay. We don't have to go that far, dad. I think I get it after seeing you like this now. Uhh, what are we doing next?" he quickly said, trying to change the subject and Belloc smiled with a playful eye roll which went unnoticed by Duncan.

"You did an excellent job, using your senses and finding this place, my son. And now, we'll continue to train you to use them instinctively during and before a battle happens," Belloc said, cracking his knuckles with a grin and with just those words, Duncan knew that he was in for a very long night training session, "Well, this is going to be interesting."

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