Since I had work as well, I then had to leave the shop and headed to work. It was good, as usual and the diving training later on was quite a lot of fun. Brooke, Brandon and I giggled a bit at Jordan when he came waddling out of the dressing room.
Apparently, he never wore fins and it looked hilarious. He laughed with us and admitted that until now he always got out of the diving jobs because he doesn't have a lot of experience in diving, well close to none to be exact. Our boss knew about it and we are guessing if that might be one reason why we have those lessons now.
But Jordan did a good job anyways and I am already looking forward to the next lesson.

On Saturday, Scar and I were able to chat a little bit more because she had to drive somewhere and since she has a driver, she was free to text. It made me smile widely and I realized how much I missed her.
I chuckled in surprise when she sent me a picture of her and Lizzie in the backseat of a car and when I asked about it, she said they had a similar way to work today. It sounded a little suspicious but I also know she isn't allowed to spill any details, so I let it be.

She assured me that she will be freer next week and we should definitely be able to call. It made me really happy to hear that because I miss her voice and even though she sometimes sent me goodnight voice messages, I am still craving her voice. It may sound crazy because she's only away for a week now but I never knew you could crave to hear someone's voice this much or at all.

But we still did our best and sometimes I sent her voice messages over the day that she loved to listen to. It always made me happy, to see her goodnight texts before going to bed and sometimes to read her good morning messages when I got up. She didn't send them in the morning, since she is three hours behind but she sent them while I was asleep, just so I would have something to wake up to.

I also received a message from her, saying that Rose wanted to do something with me on Sunday.
Apparently, she misses me, which is adorable and I had to admit, I missed that little sunshine more than just a bit. It was quite some work to plan the day because Scar was texting with Rose's dad and me, communicating between the both of us.
I mean, I'm not exactly thrilled at the thought of texting with Rose's dad but it would make it easier. But Scar managed to settle everything and we decided that Rose and I will go to the zoo on Sunday, her dad dropping her off at my place because from there he will drive somewhere else.

I am excited to spend the day with Rose. Scarlett and I also shortly discussed the matter of money, in case of paying for the zoo. She asked if I was okay if she paid for it, booking the money onto my bank account then.
I wasn't sure about it and we settled on that she'll pay for Rose's entry and I will pay for my own. Even from the distance she still respects my boundaries and it gave me butterflies because she could have easily sent me the money for both tickets, but she didn't.
We said goodbye and I wished her a good day with Lizzie and where ever they are going.

My alarm goes off the next day and I turn it off, seeing a text message from Scarlett when I take my phone into my hand, wishing me an amazing day with Rose and a lot of fun. And also reminding me of wearing a hat because it's cold. I chuckle a bit at the text and roll my eyes before thanking her and promising to wear a hat to prevent any colds. Even when she's far away and it's not that cold for her, she remembers this kind of things. Because it happened often enough that I forgot to put a hat on and she grabbed one and stuffing it into her bag so I could put it own later on.
With a smile on my face and in a good mood, I swing my legs out of the bed and get up, getting ready for the day at the zoo with the little nugget.

"Mama!" I hear her voice before I can see her and spin around to watch Rose jumping out of a car and running towards me.
She launches herself at me and I catch her, spinning her around and making her giggle. God, I missed this sound over the last week.
I stop spinning and she wraps her legs around me, so I place one arm underneath her butt to keep her up.

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