Day five: Halloween Faire

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I don't think I have anything to say except I have 5 deadlines in the coming 2 weeks (all for school)

Pairing: PLATONIC Lester/Apollo and Meg x gn!reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: none!


You knew that the Romans could build- and build fast. However, setting up an entire faire within 4 hours was a bit overkill in your opinion. Lester had invited you to start the day at 6 in the morning, just to watch the Romans build up the faire. He had tried his best to convince you, before he started using more immediate actions to get you to witness the spectacle.

This fucker had pulled you out of your bed and forced you to watch with him.

Now, as you witness the Romans building, you were impressed and semi glad you could see it. There was just no way you would tell Apollo this after the stunt he pulled. For some reason he spared Meg the waking up (Meg had threatened him the night before, and even though Apollo was a god, he was still scared of her).

As the clock turned 10, the faire opened its doors for all visitors. You met with Meg at the gate, who seemed a lot more well rested than you felt. Lester, who apparently had godly powers of needing-no-sleep, eagerly started listing the things he wanted to do.

"Where do we want to start?" as much as you wanted to start with a nap, his smile was infectious. Meg was also smiling as she thought over the options.
"I've never really been to a fair," she started, "but do they normally have a Ferris wheel?"

You laughed and shook your head, "no, but I think the Romans wanted to impress all the visitors they had." You had noticed a lot more campers from Camp Half-Blood than you thought would come, even non year rounders. Meg nodded as she once again pondered.

"We can start with the Ferris wheel and then plan our route from there!" Lester was very eager to do everything that was there to do. Meg hummed, "as long as you don't get scared of heights, Lester." Lester laughed it off, telling her how he could not be afraid of heights he drives the sun around.

Ten minutes later, Lester was regretting his words. It's not that he was scared, noooo, he was only holding your and meg's hands for dear life because he didn't want you to fall. Meg was smiling a lot at this.
"Sure, Apollo, driver of the sun chariot, who cannot be afraid of heights," she agreed with him, and he huffed, "you wouldn't mind if I do this then," Meg started aggressively moving, resulting in the Ferris wheel cabin to sway.

"Ah! Stop!!" Apollo screamed, "Okay, maybe, I might be a little uncomfortable?" Apollo leaned a little closer to you, tightening his grip, "A Ferris wheel is different from my chariot in ways I did not expect it to be like-" he looked at the thin rails that were the "doors" as a wind blew through your cabin, "there is barely anything holding us in here." Lester shivered. Meg laughed as she stopped moving, letting Lester calm himself enough to take in the view at the highest point of the Ferris wheel. You quickly looked over his face, seeing the sparkle in his eyes as a small smile graced his face. You squeezed his hand, catching Apollo off guard. As you smiled at him, his cheeks tinted red in embarrassment.

"I do love high views okay!" he admitted, and he shook his head, "let's just plan our day."


The first thing Meg wanted to do was get food. Understandably so because you hadn't eaten since six in the morning thanks to Apollo. The aforementioned guy had decided though that instead of buying a snack you guys would start with apple bobbing.

"You get to eat the apple when you get it!" Lester smiled and you glared at him. Meg just sighed, and decided to let Apollo be, secretly being happy that he was having fun. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but she had missed spending time with him, and although he visits every once in a while, it didn't feel as normal as it had when they were questing. Something about the setting today made it feel more as it had been, and Meg appreciated every second she could get.

You scrunched your nose at the prospect of having to dip your head in the water, and Apollo nudged you.
"If you can't get it, you can always let the great Apollo get you one too." He smiled and you shook your head, getting ready to suffer.

Within five minutes you finally caught the apple with your mouth, triumphantly eating it as you watch both Meg and Apollo struggle to catch theirs. Meg looked up, to see the person running the game looking away, and quickly grabbed an apple with her hands, as she went to sit next to you. You were both finished eating when Apollo gave up.

"How did you two manage to catch the apples?" He asked you, exasperated. Meg simply stood up, grabbed an apple out of the tub ignoring the 'hey!' that the demigod running the stall gave and handed it to Lester. He just shook his head and took a bite.


Next up Apollo wanted to play 'witch hat ring toss'. You didn't really want to try your skills at it, until you noticed how Meg's eyes sparkled at the sight of one of the plushies you could win. Dammit, now you had to win a price. Meg excitedly tried the game, only to miss most of the rings she threw. She angrily stepped back, mumbling that the game was rigged. You took your turn, but throwing the rings was harder than anticipated and you did not come even close to having the rings stay on the witch hats.

Before Apollo started, you quickly grabbed his shoulder whispering in his ear,
"I think Meg wants that," you vaguely gestured, "plushie, I am begging you to win it for her." Apollo smugly smiled.
"I noticed, (Y/n). I may not be good at catching apples, but if there is one thing I capable of it is hitting targets." You nodded affirmative to him.

And hit targets he did. Apollo had a clean shot on all the witch hats. When it was time to pick a price, he asked Meg which one she wanted.

"Why? You won?" she asked, and Apollo shrugged.
"I think your smile is the better price here, Meg." He said and she huffed, a smile on her face as she pointed at the plushie.

"Thanks, Lester." She held the plushie close, "you are not too shabby, even if you are a god now."

"Wait, he's a god?" The stall person glared a Apollo, "I think that's cheat-" before he could finish his sentence you had grabbed Meg and Apollo and dashed away.

The rest of the day was spent carefully avoiding that part of the festival terrain, as you continued on playing games that were badly Halloween themed, like 'spooky bean bag toss', 'ghost donut on a string' or 'mummy sack race'. At least there wasn't a haunted house around this year, because you were sure Lester would have forced you to go again.

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