Oct. 26th - Learn the Tricks and Treats (Lityerses)

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dean-wincheaster asked:
ooooh, couples costume + taking georgia trick-or-treating with lityerses for $400, alex?

I don't know what this means but I'll glady take the money, thanks


Lityerses seemed to be on guard. Maybe it was because of all the monsters around - or rather all the children dressed up as them. Maybe he just didn't like you very much. Apparently, Em had failed to mention to Lit that you were coming, because when you and Leo had arrived at the waystation, and you approached him, he jumped up and looked at you scowling.

Unbeknownst to you - Lit was at that moment angry at himself for failing to be ready to face you at the time. What were you doing here, without informing him via your electrical devices that you were coming over. Or that you both were going out that night. Or that he was to protect Georgina and you from any dangers to may roam the streets at the night of Hallows Eve.

That last point you had used to get him to accompany Georgina and you. Once he had agreed to go out that night, Georgina had been quiet eager to go trick or treating. It wasn't something she had done before, but since she watched a Halloween movie with the phenomenon in it it was all she had been drawing for the entire month.

So here you were, being watched like a hawk by Lityerses as you encouraged Georgina to ring the doorbell. As the people opened the door she put up the biggest smile you had seen in a while.

"Trick and treat!" she excitedly yelled and the teen who tiredly looked you over seemed to soften at her happiness as they held out the bowl of candy. "It's 'or treat', not 'and treat'." they said and Georgina blinked owlily. "No candy?" she pouted and suddenly the teen got a scared expression on their face. "Yes candy." They said hurriedly as they shoved a handful of candy in Georgina's bag and closed the door. You turned around in confusion, seeing that Lit just turned away looking at the sky.

"Did you scare the poor soul?" you asked him and Lit shrugged. "They made Georgina sad," he said as he looked back at you, "And they should be glad I didn't do anything else to them." Besides, Lit wasn't going to admit that the second reason he glared at the teen was because they seemed to like looking you over. It made him angry - probably because the teen could be a threat to you, no other reason.

"New rule then," you sighed as you started going to the next door, "No glaring at people who potentially can give Georgina candy." "And if they can't?" Lit said, as you guys faced the next door and Georgina pressed the doorbell. As the door opened Lit took a step closer to you, and you felt his back press against yours. "You can glare- but don't kill them." you said, feeling his warmth through your jacket. "I can't make promises," Lit grinned. An elderly woman opened the door, and you gently nudged Georgina.

"Trick and treat!" she exclaimed, smiling brightly.

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