A Graveyard Smash

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and here is the last one of the year! Hope you guys enjoyed our shorter but still there Halloween fics :)

Pairing: Platonic the seven + a bunch of other ones x reader

Word count: 2k 
 Warnings: none! 


You didn't know what to expect from the grove as a party destination, yet you were slightly blown away. You noticed how most of the decorations were themed around the destruction of nature- pollution was replicated by snack stashes for the satyrs (and perhaps some fauns from Camp Jupiter, you were certain you saw Don somewhere sneaking around), there were red and yellow lights all around, simulating fire and there were many skeletons (which, given how Nico had immediately left after the group call two days ago, probably was courtesy of him). You didn't know how to feel about the possible real skeletons laying around, so you opted to ignore the possibility of Nico summoning them.

However, you also saw that Meg and her siblings had deemed that to be a rather serious theme to decorate in, so here and there you found some more, handcrafted of reusable materials, generic halloween decorations. Except for carved pumpkins. There were so many pumpkins, but they were all uncarved. You guessed they didn't want to show actual body horror to the dryads. There was some old-timey Halloween music playing, although you were unable to find any speakers. Guess the trees to really speak to you if you listen.

As you saw Leo and Jason's costumes you just knew that Leo had bribed Meg to know what the theme of the party would be like. He must have, why else would he think of these costumes? You had to admit, you didn't know Leo owned a hat this tall, but you didn't put it above him to have crafted it himself.

"I don't think the Onceler's hat was that big?" You walked up to the duo, "Or the Lorax's mustache that big."

"I am lucky to not have to deal with the orange paint,". Jason grimaced. Leo elbowed him.

"Say the line Jason!" Leo whispered, loudly. Jason sighed and deadpanned.

"I am the Lorax! I speak for the trees!" Jason tried to make a more spooky sound at the end of the sentence, after which Leo jumped forward, borderline belting.

"How ba-a-a-ad can I be?" Leo's 'be' ended, somehow, on a S-tone so it rhymed with Jason's phrase. He was grinning proudly. Jason tried to hide it, but he did seem to get amusement out of his friends' behavior. You laughed.

"Jace, I have to be honest with you," you looked at your friend, "I had a bet with Nico that you would be a tree. Will won though, he guessed the Lorax."

"You had a bet?" Jason shook his head, "Let me guess, you do have a spare tree costume and want me to put it on so you win?" You laughed again.

"I wish," you turned to Leo, "How is your hat staying up when it's this tall?"

"Support beams made out of metal rods and foam!" Leo's eyes sparkled, "carton in between, I can show you after the party, I swear it's so structurally sound. Annabeth would love to know the skeleton of. this hat." Leo pouted," It's too bad she has been so busy with school lately, she would have loved to work on this thing together."

"Everyone was suffering under me indeed," you sighed dramatically, intentionally showing off your outfit.

"Wait, you're-" Jason got up real close to one of your sleeves, "That's my English essay! How the fuck did you get your hands on that!" Jason shivered, "I still haven't heard back from it, I sure hope I passed."

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