Oct 29th - Fright-night (Percy Jackson)

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Anonymous asked:

Can I get a Percyxfem!reader where for Halloween they do a cute marine couples costume or something and he takes her to Poseidon's palace to introduce them officially and the first thing she does is flick him in the forehead and scolds him for being a jerk to Odysseus and that Polyphemus was an awful child to favor, especially after the events of SOM, and everyone is just 😳😳 but Poseidon just laughs and tells Percy she's a keeper? Super please and mega thank you!!!

Anon I hope you like this one! Starting light and easy our Halloween week -Danny

Warnings: Drinking, swearing —everyone's over 21 here.

This is the first party you host at camp. It was exciting, adult life wasn't at all what you were expecting but it was the little things in life what made it worth it. Like getting absolutely hammered with your friends at a Halloween party.

Everyone's here, the place is packed with people and you try and converse with all of them, you lost sight of Percy after you went to refill your cup, but you find him soon enough talking with a slightly older guy that's wearing a sort of fisherman outfit.

"There you are!" You exclaim, the music is a little loud and you should take care of that, but it's a secondary thought as soon as you take a better look to the guy in front of Percy. "Wait, wait— Don't tell me," You examine their disguise and laugh. "Are you Poseidon?"

The guy smiles at you and nods, but before he can even speak you talk again.

"Oh, you're in big trouble, sir!" You reply jokingly. "Percy, hold my cup—"

"Er... Y/N—"

You step forward and flick the man's forehead sharply, Percy looks at your flushed cheeks in alarm.

"How dare you being such a jerk to Odysseus?" You scowl playfully. "He's my favourite hero– no, it's fine I'm almost done," You giggle when Percy tries to stop you. "You sir, have lots of explaining to do! Come forward and speak!"

"Y/N, this is my dad," Percy speaks urgently.

"Yeah, I know," You grin, then look back at the other guy. "It's a great costume, dude, usually people just dresses like a weird pirate merman with a trident and call it a day— looks like you did your reseach!"

"I mean he's my dad for real," Percy's eyes are so wide that it makes you realize your mistake.

"W-What?" You squeak. "Oh my gods—oh shit— Why didn't you tell me?!"

"You didn't give me a chance!"

"Oh gods, I'm so sorry— I was joking!"

You stammer and trip over frantic apologies, but Poseidon laughs it off, knowing you meant no harm.

"No worries, young Y/L/N," His eyes wrinkle the same way Percy's do when he smiles, now that you think about it how didn't you realize this was his real father? They're so alike! "Although I'd recommend you to slow down with the drinking, I believe Ares is around and he doesn't have a good sense of humor."

"Ah, right," You grab your drink from Percy's hand but hesitate before placing it on the table. "Yeah, maybe it's for the best. Sorry again."

The God chuckles and shakes his head, then looks at his son.

"I see what you meant when you said Y/N's one in a million, kid."

Percy blushes again but plays it cool, he puts an arm around your shoulders.

"Usually Y/N's jokes are far better, though, you'll have to excuse the lazy humor."

"Hey, I think my joke was pretty funny!"

"That's 'cause you're drunk."

"Am not. I can prove it to you right now, let's go outside—"

"I'm not letting you anywhere near a sword tonight."

A Camp-Halfblood HalloweenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя