Day four; Boo-king

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I baked a cake yesterday and didn't even use that experience in this fic also boo-king is a pun on baking i hate it myself you are welcome.

Pairing: PLATONIC Nico, Reyna, Hazel x gn!reader, a little Will and Frank in here too!
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: mm food, baking, mention of murder~


After the movie night, you were tired. Hence, why you slept in a little more than you had wanted too. You were just making your way to address in New Rome that Nico had given you, holding on to three bags of stolen baking goods from Spirit Halloween. At the time you didn't think you got that many, but when you were grabbing them this morning it was more than anticipated. You stumbled in your step, trying to avoid some oncoming pedestrians.

"Do you need help?" a familiar voice piped up from behind you.
"Reyna! Yes, please-," you carefully handed her one of the bags.
"Where to?"


When you arrived it was only Nico, Hazel, Reyna, and you. Although Reyna was once again about to leave.

"Please stay!" you begged her, and she eyed you up and down.
"I'm not sure-" She started, only to be interrupted by Hazel.
"Do you need to be somewhere?" She asked, and Reyna shook her head, "Then why not help us? I know Nico for sure has missed you." Nico glared at Hazel. Reyna's mouth became an 'O' shape at this revelation. As Nico saw this he sighed.

"We're friends and I barely get to see you when you're with the Hunters at Camp." Nico admitted; however, he didn't want to admit he also felt scared that Reyna had joined the hunt to begin with- he already lost someone important to the hunt and he did not want to lose Reyna too. Maybe he tried to distance himself a little- old habits die hard after all.

Unwilling to dwell on these thoughts, Nico shook his head as he grabbed a bowl.
"So, do you want to help?" he extended the bowl to Reyna, who smiled and grabbed it.
"Of course, Nico." She hesitated, "I miss you too, although I don't miss Athena's statue." She joked, uplifting the mood in the room. A thought shifted over her face.
"How's Coach Hedge doing?" she asked.
"He's doing great," Nico smiled at Reyna, "But before we get side tracked, let's start baking."


You had thought that the baking would mostly consist out of ingredients and mixing, however the first part of the morning was entirely lost to math. Making smaller portions of the recipe's required you to calculate the new amounts you needed. During this, Reyna quickly took it upon herself to make a quick schedule – finding which goods could bake together, and for how long. Weirdly enough, all of this was still a rather enjoyable endeavour. You were lucky to have Hazel on your side, for she seemed to have a knack for calculating stuff.

After a quick lunch break, you finally got to baking. It started alright, you worked with Hazel on one recipe as Nico and Reyna tackled the other recipe. However, this meant that both duos were not looking out for the other- which resulted in;

"Shit! Sorry (Y/n)." Nico exclaimed as soon as he recovered from bumping into you. You were on the ground, covered in (luckily) dry ingredients. You smiled painfully as you stood up.

"Don't worry- it could have been the wet ingredients." You tried to reassure Nico, but he still took a step forward and awkwardly started petting the ingredients off you. You shook your head, resulting in a massive cloud of flour and sugar to form, clearly showing on Nico's black shirt.

"Could you not?" He glared at you, and you chuckled.
"Revenge," you smiled, and Nico clearly tried to supress his own smile. You hadn't noticed Nico reaching for an egg on the counter, but Reyna had, and she quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Don't," she ordered, and you laughed.

"Seems like I have a guardian angel today, thanks Reyna." You took a step back and retrieved Nico's bowl of the ground.
"Peace?" You asked as you offered it to him.

"For now." he grimly nodded.


The rest of the day went rather peacefully. Everyone took better care as to not hit each other, and at the end of the day you were left with still too many treats for the four of you. At least, that is what it looked like an hour ago. With only the extra help from Will and Frank, who both showed up right as the baking was done.

Hazel held a cookie to your lips. You quickly took a bite, before she ate the rest of the cookie. You had tried some fanciers treat designs, which got better the more you made. But, all in all, this batch of snacks was not the most perfect one.

"I think we should not do those," Hazel pointed at some 'candy' that was fully burned, "Too hard to make, and not even tasty." You chuckled.
"I also think we should only pick 3 types of cookies-" you glared at the only pile that was barely touched, "We made so many already, with so little ingredients."

Reyna hummed, "What about the Halloween cake?" She asked.

"We are getting the cake." Nico simply stated, "Or we are getting murder, whichever you prefer." Reyna put her hands up, as she shook her head.
"Okay, okay. Whatever you want Nico, you will be the one baking it." She smiled, "And decorating it."

"I can help decorate." Hazel suggested, and Nico looked at her thankful.
"At least one person is on my side here." He said, and Will looked offended, but was quickly shut up by a peck on the cheek.

"I can help too, if it's needed?" Frank coyly spoke up.
"I don't think I'll allow you in the kitchen, Frank." Hazel said Frank grimaced.
"That was one time Hazel," Frank huffed, "And I just confused sugar with salt!"
"One time too many, Frank." Hazel responded and Frank pouted.

"If anything, I don't think I can help baking later in the week," Reyna sighed, "The hunters have to help set up the corn maze, so I will have my hands full."

"Corn maze?" Nico asked, a chill running over his back as he remembered being turned into corn.
"It's our attribution to the faire!" Reyna smiled, "Don't tell anyone yet, only the organisers know, it's a surprise."

As the conversation continued, and the snacks diminished, the day turned into night. Before too long, everyone headed to wherever they were staying, and you looked forward to the faire tomorrow!

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