Oct 30th - The Party (Everyone)

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asja-the-hoarder asked:

could u do a part two of the pumpkin carving fic I love to see these friends just,,,, vibe at a party thank danny I love u

YOU GOT IT MY DUDE— Also pretty fucked up what you did with the request I sent but it's okay I'll fix it -Danny

After absolutely humiliating yourself with Percy's dad, you decided to walk around to sober up and enjoy the party, everyone was having a blast, you saw Apollo, Mr D and Ares doing a beerpong competition (with diet coke), surrounded by their cheering kids— further away you saw Annabeth and Piper welcoming in the roman campers, Hazel and Frank being cute as always, and Nico hoarding the snacks while Will pretends he doesn't see.

Finally, you spot Jason and you decide to ask him to look after you until you sober up completely, then you see Leo standing next to him. You haven't really been around to talk and clear things out with him since the accident, so you decide to approach and show him you're okay.

"Hey guys! Nice costumes!"

Jason shows you one of his winning smiles and returns the compliment, Leo's smile is a happy one, but you see his hands hiding in his pockets as soon as you approach.

"Having a fun night, Y/N?" Jason asks knowingly. "Percy said we should keep an eye on you, or you'll start a fight with Ares—"

"Oh, tell him to shut up," You scoff. "He won't let me forget it..."

"I think it was pretty awesome," Leo teases. "You feel like fighting still? I can call my dad so you can yell at him for being an absent father."

You groan in exasperation and the boys laugh at your reaction, nevertheless, they both decide to take pity and get you a non-alcoholic drink along with a bowl of chips.

After a while more people start to join you and then you're surrounded by a bunch of friends, your eyes continue to glance at Leo from time to time, and although he's no longer upset, you know he's an expert at hiding and ignoring his own feelings, therefore you decide to make sure he's truly okay in an indirect way.

"What are you, then? A science fiction mechanic or something?" You lightly kick his foot to get his attention.

"I'm human Festus!" He replies proudly.

"Ah, so that's why you're helmet's a dragon head!" You grin. "Nice pick, Valdez. It truly is on brand."

"Thanks," The boy smiles softly. "Glad to see your arm's okay, would've hated to ruin your looks before the party."

There it is, he just gave you entrance to the subject you wanted to address and you're not going to let go of it.

"I told you it was no big deal," You reply patiently. "Honestly, I've had worse injuries, you know it, that was barely a scratch!"

Leo shifts tensely on his chair. "No yeah— still, you're human, it still hurts when something burns you—"

"Nah, it's like when someone pinches you, it hurts a moment and then it's over, really nothing to worry about," You pat his shoulder. "Maybe we can try out that Jack O'Lantern costume next year? And I can dress up as Ichabod Crane?"

"You still want to do that?" He chuckles. "Dunno, it went bad already..."

"We can fix it, we'll be careful," You shrug. "There was no lasting harm done, and I'm sure that with your brains and my creativity we can figure out a safe way to get it done."

Leo smiles at you, and it's his sideways smirk, his real smile. He looks back at the large group sitting with you and raises his voice.

"Guys, let's thank Y/N for the best Halloween party the camp has ever seen!"

The choir of voices obey messily, your friends raise their glasses and some throw kisses at you playfully. Some others chant your name and you feel your face warming up with all the attention.

"Hope we can do this every year," Will says, "I had a blast with the preparations."

"As long as we can alternate the responsabilities," Percy raised a brow. "Cause I won't be feeding all of you every year."

"Good, because you didn't even bring all the good stuff," Nico replies unbothered. "Next time I'm bringing the food."

Percy's definitely offended by his comment, and he's about to speak against him when Frank speaks up:

"Next year we'll host the party!"

Everyone speaks at the same time, all excited at the prospect. You sit back and smile at the conversation, pleased at the thought of not having to plan a single thing next year. It was exhausting...

Although Halloween isn't over for you yet, tomorrow you're taking trick or treating Percy's sister, you can't wait!

A Camp-Halfblood Halloweenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें