14. I have something to tell you

Start from the beginning

"Oh, a friend?"
She sounded hopeful, her eyes lighting up.

"Ben isn't really talking much to me, or his father, or any of his siblings-"
Mary began to rant a little. The whole situation taking quite the strain on her.
"We're trying very hard to get threw to him and nothing seems to be working, but I think it would be nice for him to hear about a friend. I can check if he'd want to see you, if you don't mind waiting"

I nearly started pumping my fists at the victory, but remained calm.
"Oh please if its not too much trouble. It would mean the world to Jamie if they knew I actually saw Ben"

Mary smiled tiredly. She stood and began to walk away while I celebrated my tremendous success.

She was gone only 10 minutes when she hurriedly came back. Excitedly coming up to me and waving with her hand for me to follow her.
"He wants to see you, please come"

We walked through the hallways silently, eventually sitting through a long lift ride. My curiosity got the better of me and I ended up asking.
"My brother works here actually, he told me Ben had come in... I found it strange he was in the supernatural hospital though, Jamie never mentioned-"

Mary cut me off rather curtly
"I'd rather not talk about that. Ben is still um.. teetering so it's anyone's guess what he wants right now"
She only confused me a thousand times more as we fell back into a now rather awkward silence. I tried to ease it.
"I'm a vampire if that makes this less awkward"

She looked up at me and I smiled. She smiled back, a silent 'cool with eachother' pact formed.

I'd have to simmer in my confusion for a while longer.

Never the less we trekked on, through more hallways into the private recovery wing. Very cush area, lots of rich families keeping quiet.

We arrived at a door with 'Ben Lunasythe' on the name plate, odd name.

Mary opened the door and I stood in its entrance for a moment, surveying the room and the boy occupying it.

He was slumped in bed, looking down at empty cup of jelly. The room was tense, an older blonde man in the corner fixing the boy a stare. Presumably his dad.

The boy looked in pretty rough shape, he was littered in bruises, a cast and sling around one arm, large gauze bandages on his neck and arms as well as a nasty looking black eye. But I could still clearly tell it was Ben.

It was the same shaggy long hair, lazy eyes that had Jamie so enfactuataed in the car park.

His eyes went wide upon seeing me standing there. He sat up slightly
Before I could get a word in he said to, his parents.
"Could you guys go for a second?"

The man looked a bit annoyed but Mary beckoned him out, placing a hand on my shoulder before they both left. Just leaving me and Ben alone together.

"How's Jamie?"
He asked me immediately.
"Not great"
I simply responded. I stared at the beat up boy a moment longer in silence before stating.

"They're really scared about you Ben, and just scared in general"
Ben looked down putting his head in his hands, ashamed
"Oh god, they don't deserve all this shit"

I nodded and sat down in the armchair next to the bed.
"So...supernatural hospital..."
I commented, seeing Ben shift about uncomfortably. He sighed.
"Yeah, it's something I don't want to get into it, please"
I dropped the topic as he replied, clear annoyance on his voice.

"Its alright, I wanted to talk to you more about jamie"
"Yeah I've wanted to meet you too"
Ben jutted in. 

No one really knew how to start so I joked.
"Jamies quite a firecracker, ain't they?"
Ben smirked
"No idea how an attitude that big could fit inside such a small being"

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