Sequel Chapter 12

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I woke up, feeling fuzzy. It felt like I had slept for 3 days or even longer. I groaned softly a bit because a headache. I sat up, opened my eyes and looked around to see I was in a room. It was a cabin with 2 bunk beds, a wardrobe and a desk. I inspected the room and it looked quite safe. I then sighed in relief. The door was opened and Teach entered with a worried look. I waved lightly and he waved back.

"What's up? Did I pass out again? It's a regular thing. I'm always passing out but I've dealt with worse. Anyway, can I go now?" I asked.

"Why...?" Teach answered.

"Why? Oh, well, I may not be diagnosed properly but I have a handful of mental disorders. By then, it'd be too much to count-"

"Why'd you poison yourself?"

I looked at Teach with a confused look.

"Me? Poison myself? Please, I'm not stupid. I know the difference between water and weird liquids," I answered.

"Really? Then, that means you should know not to drink poisons, right?" Teach asked.

"Yeah, I know. Can I go now?" I answered.

"I'll let you go if you tell me what was this doing in your bag."

He took out a vial from his pocket and showed it to me. I had never been so shocked in my entire life. It was that one vial. The vial I had used to...

"Uh... That's... a... test tube?" I lied.

"I'm not stupid like my father, Shimizu. You tell me now or I'll inform the Straw Hats you tried to fake your death-"

"Ok, it's poison! There, happy?! God, I can't die in peace for once..." I blurted out.

Teach sighed and opened a window before he tossed the vial out to sea. He closed the window and then sat beside me.


I pursed my lip. Teach sighed and told me I could stay here for as long as I needed. He then left the cabin, closing the door behind him. I laid back on my bed and sighed softly.

"How did it come to this?"


Everyone was back to normal again. Well, almost everyone.

"Aiko! C'mon, you muffinhead! You need to eat! Your stomach isn't going to hold out being empty for long, y'know!" I shouted outside Aiko's door, holding his bento.

"Just leave it at my door. I'll collect it later. I'm busy now," He told me.

I sighed and did as he said. Aiko's been busy for the past 3 days. Ever since Law died and Shimizu went out of the grid, he started locking himself in his room and won't come out. Once, I heard him chanting incoherently and laughter. I thought he had gone insane. Luckily, he didn't and was just trying to remember something. It's a weird way of doing it but hey, what do I know?

"So, has he come out yet?" Zonji asked.

"Nope, he hasn't. I can't seem to make out what he's doing in there. One time, I heard chanting. Another time, I heard explosion. Another time, I heard... questionable noise. Still, it doesn't help me figure out what he's trying to do," I answered.

"Well, he'll come out eventually. Oh, and Hana's waiting for you at the bird's nest," Zonji told me.


I had done it. I placed the tools down on my desk and admired the final product.

"It's beautiful... I'm sure everyone would like it."

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