Chapter 13

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Hi, this is not an extra chapter. This is a chapter of the main story so please don't get confused with the picture as t's their wedding I'm writing. Don't worry, MarAce and LawLu will have those. Maybe RoNa too.

Ok, enjoy!


"Good morning, everyone!" Luffy shouted with energy across the whole ship.

"Shut up, Luffy! It's 6 in the morning, dumbass," Nami exclaimed as she walked out of the room, ready to slap him in the head.

"Ah, Nami-swan~ Good morning!" Sanji greeted Nami, receiving a punch in the face.

"I was about to sleep. How are you, Pervy?" Zoro asked Sanji as he yawned.

"I'm fine, mosshead. Surprising to be asked by one who doesn't give a shit about anyone, even their own lover," Sanji answered.

"You wanna fight? We could fight tonight if you're free." Zoro said.

"Did I hear a fight? Can I watch?" Luffy asked.

"No, Luffy, this fight is special for them. You can't see." Nami smirked as she answered, receiving more smirks from Usopp, Franky, Chopper, Ace and I.

"Thank you, Nami. You're a lifesaver. If not, it'd be very awkward." Zoro thanked her.

"Who knows? Maybe, it might be a double fight tonight." Nami added, eyeing me and Ace.

We both blushed furiously, making everyone except Luffy laugh.

"Sh-Shut up!" Ace said.


After breakfast, we used the Log Pose and found a nearby island. We sailed and docked at the island upon arrival. We then looked around town to find a chef but to no avail. Or so we thought.

"L-let me... let me work for you, please!" A frail teenage boy asked.

"Well, we've found you a chef but he looks like he needs training first." Sanji told me.

"Alright, we'll take him." I said.

A week later

The boy was good in his cooking but it's nothing compared to Thatch's. He was decent though so I'd give him that. It was another day of training for the boy. His name's Norman. He's at least 17 years old. He had pastel blue hair and also white irises. When we met him on the island, he wore ragged clothes so before we left, we bought him new sets of clothes for him. He seems glad to be out of that town. There was no reason why he had volunteered to be our cook so I had to find out.

"Hey, Norman." I greeted.

"Oh, hey, Marco-kun." Norman greeted back.

"So... care to share why? You seem pretty glad to get out of there," I asked.

"O-Oh... so you noticed, huh?" He said.

"So, anything I must know? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, yoi." I asked.

"My parents... were nobles. However, my mother cared about me more than my father. After my mother's death, he remarried and kicked me out of the mansion. That shitty bastard didn't even regret his decision. I've been living in the streets but I did sneak into kitchens to see chefs when they cook. I admired them. I admired their hands that played graceful music as they prepared the dish and their eyes as they followed every step of the recipe. It was the most amazing thing I'd die for." He explained.

"If you like cooking, you would know some cooks has an impossible dream to achieve, right?" Sanji eavesdropped.

"Yeah, it's to see the All Blue. To be honest, I want to see the famous sea for myself but I know I'd get mocked by people." He said.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that here. I have that same dream and I think it'd be possible if you believe it," Sanji told Norman.

"Really? We could find the All Blue?" Norman asked me.

I smiled and nodded in response, receiving a wide smile from Norman. The boy could find it. We'd help him if possible.

At night

We were told to gather at the deck where Sanji was standing in front, blindfolded. Zoro sighed and signalled Nami to untie the blindfold.

"What... Ok, what's going o-" Sanji was cut off, speechless at what was in front of him.

"Vinsmoke Sanji. Will you be my stupid love cook for life?" Zoro proposed to Sanji, kneeling on one knee and showing a silver ring that was placed in a blue box.

"So that's why I saw you in the jewellery store... I- I- Yes!" Sanji exclaimed while blushing lightly and making Zoro smile.

Zoro got up and inserted the ring in Sanji's ring finger. Zoro had his ring in his pocket and took it out to put it in his ring finger. Everyone cheered and applauded the couple and a crewman then asked about the wedding.

"We could have it now. One of our crewmen was previously a pastor so he can help to officiate the wedding." Pops said.

"How about the guests?" Ace asked.

"All those on the Moby are the guests. It's a small wedding, though as there's not enough space for more than 30." Jozu answered.

"Alright. Everyone, prepare the wedding!" Luffy exclaimed.


"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the br-" He was cut off when Zoro abruptly sweeped Sanji off his feet and kissed him, receiving claps from everyone.

As I clapped, I looked at Ace who was beside me. Someday... I'll marry you. Someday. We all had a night of drinking, games, food and talking about hilarious and embarrassing memories of the two newlyweds.

"Alright, I'm gonna throw the bouquet to those behind me. Whoever catches it, prepare yourself for a wedding." Sanji teased, pointing out Luffy, Nami, Robin, Ace and I.

He then threw the bouquet and it landed right in Luffy's hand. Everyone except Ace smirked evilly, knowing how the proposal would go. Ace, on the other hand, was pouting and whining like a child.

"Why can't we get married first?!" He exclaimed, talking about him and I.

"Luffy's 19, for fuck's sake!" He added.

"Yeah, but he's more mature than you so give him a chance. You'd act like a kid and you still are one to me," I said.

"Oh, right. Are you guys going to fight tonight? If so, use your ship. If not, the crew won't be able to sleep and instead, will listen to you guys." Curiel told them.

"What?! You guys actually listened?! We thought you were asleep!" Zoro and Sanji exclaimed.

"You were too loud. Anyway, you guys are not the only ones for tonight." Nami repeated, looking at me and Ace.

After everything, everyone except Zoro, Sanji and us retired to their beds while Ace, Zoro, Sanji and I moved to the Thousand Sunny to... fight, as they call it. Poor Luffy was confused and wanted to see who won. We told him it was a win-win situation and he's not intrigued so he slept earlier.

"Now that we're alone on the ship, want to have a foursome?" Sanji suggested.

"If they don't mind, then I'm fine with it." Ace agreed, waiting for Zoro and I.

"Alright. It's a fight for dominance," Zoro said.

"Yeah, and to see who's the better top." I added, smirking.

Sorry. No details for this one, you horny readers. I don't wish to see you imagine their Titanic faces. And don't worry, Marco and Zoro wore condoms.


Additional Information: Norman is a small OC of mine. I'll put his description in the next chapter. Also, I don't own the characters. It's Oda-san's. I'm just using them for my story. Alright, see you soon!

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