Sequel Chapter 7

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Can I say I wrote something special for Rosinante? If you know him, good for you. Anyway, enjoy! 🍹


We docked at uncle Franky's hometown and the mayor offered to upgrade our ship and modify it, free of charge. We thanked him and relaxed at the inn so we feel calm and collected for the journey. I played water gun wars with Zonji and some of the kids there. After that, I went to take a break at the tables. I was drinking a glass of delicious fruit punch when a boy around my age approached me.

"Are you looking for more members?" He asked.

"You could say we're scouting for members. Do you want to join our crew?" I asked back.

"Yeah, as your helmsman. I can steer the wheel quite professionally because that was what I'm only good at," He answered.

"Sure. You can come with us after our ship has been upgraded. What's your name, by the way?" I asked.

"Rosinante. Or Rosi, for short."

Rosinante? Sounds... familiar. Where have I heard that name? We bid goodbye and I ran back to the inn. A few days later, Moby was upgraded. I then walked to the place I met Rosinante, picked him up and brought him to the ship. As everyone was packing up, I brought him to Zonji's room and showed him his new place on the Moby. Zonji was planning to move in with me so his room was empty. After leaving him to settle in, Ember came up to me.

"Who's that?" She asked.

"It's a new member. His name's Rosinante," I answered.

As soon as I said that, Law froze. He then asked where Rosi was and I pointed to Zonji's room. He quickly put his stuff down and ran to the room. We were confused and then, we heard crying. We ran to Zonji's room and Law was in shock.

"Are you... by any chance... related to Donquixote Rosinante?" Law asked.

Rosinante smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I'm his great-grandson."

Rosinante II

I looked at the boy Dad always talked about. He told me his grandfather used to take care of him until his last breath. He looked quite old and wore a mushroom hat. He used a customised blade and had tattoos on his hands and chest. I remembered his name was Trafalgar D. Water Law. My parents inherited the D. name from my great-grandfather's adoptive son because he was truly a hero. He defeated Big Mom, married the Pirate King, Luffy and made his reputation as one of the best doctors around, the others being the late Marco the Phoenix, Curiel and late Chopper. When I told him I was related to my great-grandfather, he broke down in shock. I approached the old man and hugged him. It must've took a toll on him, seeing my great-grandfather die. Then, two others entered the room. I recognised one as the boy who took me into his crew. The other was identical but they were a girl. Must be twins, then.

"Well, I guess it's time for another story in the galley," The girl said.

"Agreed, Ember. Agreed," The boy agreed.


A few hours later

Law was asleep in his room and Curiel was busy making something. Therefore, it was only Hana, Zonji, Ember and I. As for Norman... I don't want to talk about it yet. About Rosi's name sounding familiar, he was a close friend of Miharu's. Shimizu knew him as a special marine, a title that was given to Coby, Helmeppo, Garp, Sengoku and other marines who were unlike typical marines.

"Alright, Rosi. Time for the story," Ember said.

"Alright, here's how it went..."

Rosinante II


Rosinante never told anyone except Sengoku but he had a wife and son. Before he died, he had married a beautiful woman from Dressrosa and she gave birth to a handsome son who looked just like him. After he ran away with Law, he told his wife about his mission and his wife knew he wasn't coming back so she took care of their son, letting her son call his father. Then, one night, he never picked up. She knew he was executed by Doflamingo and decided to flee. She boarded a pirate ship of popularity. It was the Whitebeard Pirates who offered to help her get out of there. After fleeing successfully, they sailed to Water 7, home of the pirate ships. She then lived there, started to make her mark as a bartender and since then, been waiting for news on the boy who Corazon, Rosinante's codename, took on his mission. When they heard Dressrosa was free from Doflamingo and Law avenged Corazon's death, Cora's son was estatic and owed everything to him. Even to this very day.

"Rosi, promise me you'll be safe. And guard Law to the best of your ability. We owe him a really huge debt," Mom advised.

"I will. You can bet on that," I assured her.

I left home, bidding goodbye to my friends, family and to great-grandfather Rosinante. Then, I boarded the Moby as a helmsman and then, the rest.

End of flashback

"That's so cool! Law is really respected after avenging your great-grandfather's death," Ember commented.

"Yeah. Even though they could've blamed Law for your great-grandfather's death, they knew he was going to be avenged, eventually. I'm really blown away," Hana said.

"Anyway, where are we going?" Rosinante asked.

"Whole Cake Island," Ember answered.

"I see. Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go!"

Rosinante immediately ran to the wheel and Ember grabbed her map, giving him directions as she read the map. As everyone dispersed to their duties, I looked at the calendar and my smile faded. Tomorrow is the day. The day I failed to protect someone.


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