Chapter 6

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It was early morning at the Moby Dick. I was looking out as the sun rose above the horizon. I sighed, feeling the tranquillity. At least, I felt it.

"Boo!" 2 voices exclaimed in unison.

I flinched in shock and turned around to see Jozu and Thatch.

"Oh my god, Thatch, Jozu. Please don't do that in the morning, yoi." I told them.

"Oh, c'mon, Marco. It was the only way to get your attention since nothing else works if you're staring at the sea like that," Thatch reasoned.

"Sorry, Marco but I have to agree with Thatch on this one," Jozu backed up Thatch.

I sighed and then leaned against the bannister before looking at them.

"So, what is it you want, yoi?" I asked.

The two kept quiet so there was no answer. Did they get my attention for nothing?

"I mean, you can't be needing my attention if there's no reason at all."

"Uhm... How do I say this? You say it since you are the straightforward one," Thatch hurriedly spoke, passing the mic to Jozu.

"Ace's drunk from loads of bottles and he's been babbling since Kami-sama knows what time. We need you to make him sober or put him to sleep since you're the only guy Ace feels comfortable to be with." Jozu explained.

I sighed dejectedly and nodded.

"He's in your room, by the way. Sorry." Thatch added.

Well, that makes things a little easier. I guess.

Later at my room

I stood in my room, staring at the slouching Ace on my chair, empty bottles of booze surrounding him and an empty bottle in his hand about to slip off. Looks like drunk Ace resurfaced. I took the slipping empty bottle off of his hand and placed it somewhere far from him. Then, I lifted him and was going to lay him on my bed when he whined.

"Oi, where is my booze? Where is it?" He whined.

"They're not going anywhere near you, Ace. Mind telling me why you're wasted again?" I asked.

"I saw someone in my dreams. He was beautiful, handsome, kind, warm... He was what I wanted. Although he was in front of me, he felt far away. I couldn't see the person clearly but after some thought, I figured out who it was." He described.

"Is that so? Who is it?" I asked, moving closer to him.

He smiled and moved his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me in, his lips touching mine. I was surprised but as the kiss deepened, I forgot that sense of surprise and intimacy had sprouted between us. He licked my lower lip, desiring full entrance into my mouth. I allowed him, parting my lips and then putting my tongue in his mouth, exploring depths as he explored mine. We didn't stop until we needed air. We caught our breaths and kissed again, exploring each other's mouths, caressing tongues and forming strings of saliva. After a minute, we broke the kiss and caught our breaths while chuckling.

"That was... quite a kiss." Ace commented.

"So, the person in your dream. It was me, wasn't it?" I asked.

"Judging from the shadows... I'm just kidding. Of course, it's you, pineapple head!" He blurted out, looking away and blushing furiously.

I glanced away, feeling my heart rapidly beating and butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"W-Well, y-you could've asked sober Ace to say so earlier... idiot."

"Speaking of him, who do you prefer? Drunk me or sober me?"


I woke up on a nice, bouncy bed. It was late in the afternoon. I yawned and stretched my arms out, feeling refreshed but worried about Luffy. Why is the bed surprisingly fluffy today? I thought for a while and gasped softly. Wait, my bed was never like this. I sat up and saw Marco, his arms around my waist. He was cuddling me?! I blushed lightly, remembering what happened that morning.

"What the fuck?" I told myself.

I groaned and looked at Marco who was asleep beside me. He's cute when he sleeps. I brushed his blonde smooth hair that looked like leaves for his pineapple head. I chuckled, imagining him as a pineapple but then turned red when it became a sexy pineapple man. I covered my blush and moved slowly out of his grip. Then, I ran out of his room, quickly dashing to mine and closing the door behind me. I uncovered my mouth and sat against the door.

"Oh, what have I done...?"


Later at night

I had just finished settling my paperwork and was about to grab a snack for supper when Thatch sprinted towards me, abruptly stopping so as to not bump into me.

"Marco-taichou! We've got an emergency!" He exclaimed.

"What?" I asked.

"Ace... is drunk. Again!" He told me.


Later at Ace's room

Thatch and I stared at Ace who became drunk for the second time today. I wonder what his damn reason is this time.

"Y'know, sober Ace was blushing and all after you cuddled him, Marco. And he also imagined you as a pineapple man. A sexy one, to be truthful." Ace blabbered, grinning.

Thatch laughed, clutching his stomach. I looked at Ace, dumbfounded by his response. Was that the actual reason? This guy.

"Marco, looks like someone is head over heels for you!" Thatch teased me before shutting up and groaning in pain after getting kicked in the crotch from me.

"Shut it." I whisper-yelled at Thatch, trying not to blush.

"Anyway, what else did sober Ace say?" I asked.

"Hmm... Oh, he also said..." Ace paused before whispering to my ear.

"Eh?!?!" I exclaimed in shock and disbelief after hearing Ace's words.

"He wanted to confess to you but he's just too shy to. I'll tell you one thing, for sure. I'll definitely not confess for him again." He blurted blatantly as he chugged down another crate before passing out.

Thatch sighed in relief and then picked up the empty glass bottles.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it. Stay here and watch Ace until I come back." Thatch told me, receiving an acknowledging nod from me after.

He left the room, carrying the bottles of booze and closing the door behind him with his foot. I then picked Ace up and laid him on his bed. He looked cute during his hangover. I smiled and picked up the remaining filled bottles of booze.

"Ace, if you could hear me, about your question from earlier, I prefer the sober Ace. Although the drunk Ace isn't too bad, either." I said.

He was asleep but I shrugged and packed the filled bottles in a crate.

"I'll probably borrow Pop's room as a hiding spot for these. Don't want Ace to get liver cancer," I mumbled to myself as I carried the crate and left the room.

The next morning

"Oi!!! Who in the hell took my booze?!?!" A shout roared throughout the Moby Dick, waking up the crew for an early breakfast.


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