Chapter 3

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It was only a normal day on the Moby Dick. Well, at least, it was a normal day. I sighed dejectedly, head smacked down on the table. Thatch patted my back with a smile.

"Cheer up, man. It wasn't even that bad," Thatch reassured me.

"At least, it wasn't you that got involved." I said.

Earlier yesterday

I stood at the railings of the deck, watching the sunrise. Then, Thatch and Izo came out of their room and crept up behind me.

"Boo!" They exclaimed, startling me and causing me to almost fall over.

"My Kami-sama, you guys scared me," I said.

They laughed softly and patted my head.

"By the way, today's drinking day and there's a nearby island we're heading to. Want to join us?" They invited me.

"Sure but I'll only go for a while and then, I'll grab a crate of alcohol and board back the Moby. Don't want Marco to feel left out." I said.

Thatch and Izo exchanged a quick glance with each other before grinning evilly at each other. I then looked at them, confused. They patted my head and back before accompanying me to the galley for breakfast.

A few hours later

I was done with my breakfast and walked to my room. I passed by Marco's door and there was a gap wide enough for one of my eyes. Maybe I should take a peek to see if he's inside. I peeked through the gap and there was Marco, standing beside his bed. I realised something and rubbed my eyes to ensure I wasn't hallucinating. Maybe I was... He was fucking strip naked! I tried not to attract Marco's attention or else, things will go really left.

I stared at him for a few seconds and was dazed. His defined chest and abs, glistening back, calm expression... Everything about this man is just... sexy. I accidentally sighed loudly and he heard it. As soon as he turned to the door, I immediately moved away from the gap and then covered my mouth. Crap. I froze there, blushing furiously and trying to not make any sound, hoping that he'd just ignore it.


I turned behind abruptly and the door was wide open. Marco was leaning against the doorway, a white towel hung low around his V-line. He stared at me, who was blushing under my hand. Just as he was about to say something, I sprinted to my room and closed the door before regulating my breathing and calmed down, trying to regain my composure. Oh, that was the worst time ever but totally worth it. I proceeded to lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.


It was time for the party. I left the Moby with the others to a famous bar on the island. Everyone was chugging down booze, laughing and singing loudly like the whole bar was theirs. I was at the counter, watching them. After that, I finished my drink, bought a crate of alcohol and left the bar, walking to the ship while carrying the crate. After I stepped onto the ship, I gently placed the crate beside Marco's door and walked to the railings to look out at sea. I sighed as I watched the waves curl and then tumble back into the sea.

"That was so uncool." I said, remembering what happened earlier.

"What was uncool?"


I heard clinking of glass bottles outside my room and footsteps walking towards something before stopping. I slowly opened my door and in front of my room, Ace stood there. His arms leaned on the railings and his back was facing me. He was looking at the sea in absolute quietness. I looked around to find a crate of bottles with alcohol in them. This guy.

"That was so uncool," I heard him say.

Was he... talking about earlier? I then tiptoed a few steps behind him and sighed quietly before plucking up a bit of courage.

"What was uncool?" I asked out of curiosity.

He flinched and turned behind to see me. He sighed in relief. I don't know if he was drunk or sober but he was blushing unconsciously.

"Oh, you scared me. Hehe," He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

Seems suspicious.

"I thought you were at the bar? What happened, yoi?" I asked.

"Oh, I... I brought you a crate there. Didn't want you to feel left out. Oh, and nothing happened. Just not a fan of noise nowadays." He reasoned.

Not a fan of noise, huh? I then stood beside him and absorbed the view of the sea. He then turned back towards the sea so I took the opportunity to glance at him. I was hypnotised. His black eyes shining like the ocean, his hair shimmering under the moonlight, his lips... I'd want to kiss him right now but then, it'd be awkward.

"What?" He asked, snapping me out of my daze.

He already turned to me and looked confused.

"Oh, nothing. Anyway, want to hang out in my room? We could share the drinks," I invited.

He was indecisive for a few seconds but nodded, accepting my invitation. We headed to my room with the crate of alcohol he brought. I was totally unprepared for what happened next.

"Y'know, I'd be jealous if you had someone that cared for you." Ace blurted out.

I felt hurt hearing him say that but at the same time, I chuckled at his honesty. Ace is different when he's drunk. I should take mental note of that.

"So, do you have someone you fancy yet? I heard you came out as gay to Pops and Pops was alright with it. Must be hard finding your type," I asked, interested in his answer.

"I do, actually. He's nice, calm and collected and I love his wings. They are made of blue flames. And the guy has yellow hair," He answered.

I sat there, taken aback. He's not... talking about me, is he? Am I the one he fancies?

"Is that so? Can you tell me his name?" I asked deeper.

He thought for a while and shook his head.

"I can't tell you his name because I know you'll tell Thatch but I can tell you it starts with a letter 'M'," He added.

I was surprised at this point. He likes me? He likes me... Wait, he likes me?! Oh my Kami-sama, he's an idiot! Though, why hasn't he confessed to me yet? Was he not ready yet?

"What's wrong, Marco-san?" He asked.

I told him it was nothing and he kept drinking to the point that he passed out. Strong drinker, I suppose. I then carried him in a bridal style and laid him on my bed before cleaning up the mess he made in my room. I looked at the guy as he snored in his sleep. So cute. After the mess was cleaned, I laid on the floor and felt myself sleep as I stared at the ceiling.

Next morning, I woke up and my bed was empty. The door was closed, too. What a courteous guy. I chuckled lightly, reminiscing about last night with drunk Ace. Maybe, we should've had more of these nights, after all.


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