Sequel Chapter 10

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"What do people do if they have... only a few days left to live?"

I looked at Law, stunned by his question. He looked at me with a sad smile and then looked away.

"Well, do you have something you really want to do before you die? Maybe, I can help," I asked.

"I... want to... find a certain flower. A hyacinth," He answered.

"A hyacinth? What for?" I asked further.

"So... I would have something to bring to Luffy up there."

Major timeskip

We ran around, fighting enemies who wanted to claim Whole Cake Island. Swords clashed with one another, devil fruits drained to the limit and fatigue was about to overtake us. I just defeated a group of strong opponents when I heard a blade stabbing something. Or someone. I turned my head to the side and what I saw shook me for the rest of my days.


"Damn it! There's too many!" I exclaimed.

My blue flames were almost dying out. I used too much of my powers and had no other weapons to defend myself. Zonji was busy on another side so I couldn't reach him. I heaved an exhausted sigh. Fuck, there's just... too many... to defeat... I was close to passing out when an arm supported me.

"Aiko, hang in there. Just a few more left and you can pass out on the ground all you want."

I looked at the figure and it was Charlotte II. One of Katakuri's children. He shot the enemies who were coming at us. As he did that, I plucked a bit of energy and stood up. After we fought the last few, I turned to Ember, who was frozen in place. Feeling confused, I turned towards what she was staring at. I was then stung in the heart by what I saw.


I knelt on the ground, a blade through my chest. Ember froze as she saw me. The others fought off remaining enemies and froze too when they saw what Ember saw. I shuddered as blood leaked out of my body, draining me of life slowly.

"Uncle Law!"

I shakily sighed as I looked down at my wound. I was about to plop to the ground when Aiko ran up and caught me in time. I then looked at Aiko whose eyes were watery.

"Oh, no. Your wound..."

I sighed as my soul, like a satellite wrenched from its orbit, slowly drifted away from my body. Aiko then laid me on his lap, tore a piece of his sleeve and pressed it on my wound to stop the bleeding. I sighed and rested my head on his arm.

"Oh, no. You're not dying today. Someone get a medic!" Aiko shouted.

One of Katakuri's children rushed to get medics while the rest who were as still as stone had to be regrouped and then tended to each other. For a while, Aiko and Law were having their last chat.

"Hang in there. Please?" Aiko begged softly.

"You know my time is almost up. I'm getting old and my Devil Fruit's not as powerful as it is now. If only time went by slower... Well, it's been quite a journey with you guys. See you above," I said.

Then, my soul was out of my body like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem.


"See you above."

That was the last time I heard him. I froze on my knees, his lifeless body in my arms and my heart ready to shatter at any moment. Ember rushed towards me and shook me. I wasn't aware. I was dazed. Confused. Sad. Empty.

"We need to get him out of here! He's shocked to the verge of insanity. I'll carry Law off him while Zonji carries him away from here..."

Voices were muffled in my ears and all I could see were people running towards me, looking much worried. I felt myself being carried away and Law was being tended to. I don't want to go. I don't want to leave him. I kicked and hit whoever was carrying me, shouting and begging them to let go but they wouldn't budge. In the end, I just cried to myself.

"This is all my fault..."


"This is all my fault..."

His words stabbed me. After kicking me, hitting me and begging me to let go, I didn't budge. It's for his sake. And Ember's, too. Ember's shocked too but she is more worried for her twin because she knows he couldn't handle trauma so easily.

"Zonji, over here!"

I boarded the carriage with my lover in my arms. Butterscotch, another one of Katakuri's children, boarded with me and told the driver to bring us to their palace. Then, Butterscotch and I looked at Aiko. He fell asleep after fighting and the huge trauma. His crystal tears were leaking from his eyes. We felt guilty. Guilty as hell.


I looked at Law's body. He died with a smile on his face and his eyes closed. I took a wrapped cloth out of my bag and unfolded it, revealing a white hyacinth. I placed it on Law's chest and then placed his hands over it.

"There. Now, you have something to give Uncle Luffy up there."

I felt the tears coming out already. I knelt down beside him and lowered my head. Hana, who was nearby, noticed my actions and knelt next to me. She then placed a hand over my shoulders and pulled me closer to her.

"I know, I know. It's okay. You can cry now," Hana whispered.

I let everything out. I gripped Hana's blouse and poured my tears over it. She only patted my head and back, comforting me as I mourned over the death of my uncle.


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