Chapter 17

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No warning here. Just wholesome stuff. Also, since it's my AU, I did something in the story that y'all would either squeal or scream internally because of it. Also, I added another 2 OCs here. I'll add their description in the next 2 chapters.

Ok, enjoy reading!


"Come in."

I opened the door and Marco was lying on top of Ace. I closed the door behind me and greeted Ace.

"Hi, Ace. How's... Marco-kun doing?" I asked.

"He's doing a little fine." Ace answered.

"I see." I said.

Then, I saw his arms that were wrapped in bandages. He must've seen the scars already. I should tell him.

"Ace, I need to tell you something. But, let's do it outside." I told him.

He slowly pushed Marco on the bed and got up from bed. He led me outside and we stood at the bannister.

"Yeah. What is it?" He asked.

"About the past weeks with Marco, I'm sorry if it made you jealous that he was with me a lot. I... volunteered to be a cushion for him. When I heard that he... y'know, I was shocked that he'd really do something like that." I explained.

"I see. So, he used you as a cushion?" He asked.

"Yeah. And I advised him to talk to you but he kept telling me that he didn't want to worry you or bother you with his problem. I've tried many ways to get him to talk to you but no success. Now that you know about his problem, do you wanna take over from here?" I asked.

"No. You can continue comforting him. I have a feeling that Marco still needs to recover and I know he doesn't wanna bother me so I'll respect his opinion." Ace answered.

"Is that so? Then, don't be jealous if he cuddles me," I teased.

"Oh, shush." He said, laughing softly.


The next few days

Marco was recovering for the better and Norman helped him a lot in his recovery. I wanted to help but I respect Marco's opinion that he doesn't want to worry me with his depression and all that stuff so I let Norman hang out with him. It was a normal day until we bumped once again into Blackbeard. Thankfully, Whitebeard beat them all to a pulp and sent them flying to the sky. Then, after sailing a distance, we bumped into Shanks' ship. Shanks and Whitebeard had a good chat while drinking and after the chat, he talked to me. I told him everything that happened and he was surprised that we were a thing.

"Is that so? Then, how is Marco?" He asked.

"He's recovering from his depression so he's currently with our cook, Norman. I want to help but he didn't want to worry me and I respect that so I gave him his space," I answered.

"Wise choice, Ace. Wise choice." He told me.

A while later, Shanks left. We sailed to another island to camp. Coincidentally, Luffy and his crew were there. I updated them on my relationship with Marco.

"Oh, poor guy. Is he doing okay?" Sanji asked.

"Yeah. He's recovering so it's a good thing." I answered.

"What're you guys on about?" Marco eavesdropped.

He seems quite fine now. He's his usual self again and the bandages were off. His scars were invisible now. I smiled at his full recovery.

"Oh, just stuff. Now, we're just waiting for someone. They're getting meat for Sanji to cook. We're camping here because our ship got a hole from an attack." Luffy said.

"Who's getting the meat?" Marco and I asked.


Marco and I looked behind them and saw a young girl. She was tall, skinny, had ebony hair, a tattoo of a serpent on her left arm and of a butterfly on her neck. She was also wearing an eye cover, and a coat hung on her shoulders.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt. Let me introduce myself. I'm Shimizu. Hatake D. Shimizu." The girl introduced herself.


"Oh, so that's how you guys met. What interesting ways you guys meet by." I commented.

"Yeah. I must say, your brother's really something. And gosh, he also has a big appetite for a 19-year-old," Shimizu added.

"Yeah, since childhood. Our caretaker has had a stressful time feeding this black hole of his." I said.

"Well, now he's got Sanji and I to rely on for food. I hunt for the sources, Sanji cooks them. Oh, speaking of Sanji, do you wanna know something?" Shimizu asked.

"What?" I asked back.

They approached my ear and whispered something to me.

"What?! Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yeah. Now, he's only told me and now, I told you so keep it a secret. They wanna reveal it here tonight. If they reveal it, we both act normal. Okay?" They asked.

I nodded in response. They got up, walked to Zoro, who's nervous about the reactions given by the crew, and tried to calm him down. That's when I realised something. The last time I saw the Straw Hats, there was one more member that was with them. Her name was Miharu, I think. I should probably ask Shimizu since they said they were the closest to her.

"Oi, Ace." I heard Marco call me.

Maybe next time. I got up and walked to Marco. We then caught up on what we missed out for the past few weeks. After that, we were called to the campfire that Sanji lit up for us.

"Everyone, we... we would like to tell you something that we've been keeping a secret for a while now." Zoro said.

"I'm... pregnant!" Sanji announced shyly.

The crew was smiling and immediately hugged the two while congratulating them for their first child. Shimizu stood at the side, slightly smiling. My crewmen cheered for them as they celebrated the future addition of the Straw Hats.

"Looks like all those nights really paid off," Nami teased, making Sanji and Zoro blush furiously.

"Don't worry. I know Kami-sama has plans for us, especially Shimizu. They've had a rough time already so we'll do what we can to make them happy again. Ok?" Luffy told his crew.

"Yeah!" His crew, except Shimizu who didn't hear his words, agreed.

Then, the party went on with everyone except Sanji getting wasted and dancing to music played by Brook.

I stood on the sand, looking at the sea as everyone slept peacefully. I wished I was pregnant, too. I then looked at Marco, who went to sleep after cleaning up the mess the party made, and smiled lightly before looking up to the moonlit sky. Maybe after we get married and all. Right now, it's just me and Marco.


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