Chapter 7

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"Ace-taichou!!! A transponder snail call! It's from Sanji!" Thatch shouted across the deck.

I immediately ran to Thatch who was holding the snail, snatching it from him.

"Sanji! Is Luffy ok? Is he awake? Does he still have his memory?" I spurred questions at him.

"Calm down, Ace. First of all, Luffy's generally ok and awake now. Secondly, he's been craving for meat ever since he woke up. I called to tell you. I wanted to tell you earlier but I couldn't as I've been cooking servings of meat for our growing goblin here," Sanji explained whimmmm glaring at Luffy who's munching on the huge meat with inhumane speed.

"Oh, is that so? Alright then, I don't have to worry about him anymore. Thank you for taking care of Luffy. Next time I visit, I should bring a gift for you guys!" I promised.

"Oh no, you don't have to. It's a lot of trouble for that." He politely declined.

"No, no, it's ok. Besides, you've all been friends to him. Alright, see you soon! Say hi to Luffy for me!" I told him before hanging up.

I gave the transponder snail back to Thatch and stripped off my clothes, jumping with joy around the ship, laughing.

"Yay, Luffy's alive!!"

"Oi, Ace! Put your clothes back on, idiot!" Everyone yelped throughout the ship.


At night

I was in a dream. I stood afar, looking at a small shadow who stood in front of me, a few metres away. He had hair that waved as the wind blew against it and his eyes were natural black. I tried to reach out to him but he seemed so far away. I put my hand down, almost giving up when he moved closer to me. As he was closing in on me, I tensed, nervous of what would happen next. Then, when he was a few inches from me, the shadow turned to a figure. I gasped when I recognised the figure. Ace. He was standing in front of me, smiling and opening his mouth to say something.

"Do you... like me?"

I opened my eyes, sighing after dreaming about Ace. I laid my arm on my face, hoping to be able to sleep again but failed. I got up and Jozu burst through my door, looking worried.

"Oi, Marco. You okay? Do you even know what time it is?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"It's past breakfast time. Don't tell me you're...!" He spoke, panicking.

"I'm fine, Jozu. There's nothing wrong with me. Besides, it's only this time." I shrugged it off.

"That's what you said for the past three weeks, you dumb pineapple head!" Jozu scowled at me.

"I said I'm fine, Jozu."

"You're not fine, for crying out loud. Alright, I'm getting Curiel. You'll stay here and get checked on," He firmly said before shouting for Curiel.


I sighed, having to be in bed. What an awesome day to somehow get sick.


"You have a fever." Curiel stated.

"Huh?! No way in heck do I have a damn fever!" I protested.

"Well, you may not notice it because your fever is a rare case. This fever you have is caused mainly by stress and not physical circumstances. Are you alright? Is there something on your mind lately?" Curiel asked continuously.

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