Sequel Chapter 1

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I can't promise you this chapter would be quite long but I can tell you this book is going in for the Wattys this year and I'm making it happen. All for my grandmother. Anyway, ENJOY!


Aiko was on watch duty and everyone else was doing their duties. Everyone except me. I forgot today was my day off. Law was getting trained by Curiel while Zonji was trained by Norman. So far, no one knows about the straw hat on our ship so it was a relief but some have tried to invade our ship and sink it. Nonetheless, our crew tirelessly beat the invaders to a pulp. I sat in my king-sized room, playing with my blue flames. I was born with Dad's ability which was transforming into a fiery phoenix. Aiko had Mom's ability which was manipulating fire freely. I was reading a book that narrated uncle Luffy's journey before he became the Pirate King. I was inspired by the old stories of his resilience and determination.

"Whoa, uncle Luffy was so cool back then!" I muttered under my breath.

After finishing the book for the sixth time, I left my room and everyone was resting at the deck, laying on picnic mats and Zonji serving the food made by him and Norman. Shimizu patted on a spot beside them and I sat there. They handed me an onigiri and I thanked them before eating it. We talked for a while and Aiko started stuffing his mouth with seaweed rice balls. Like mother, like son. After we finished eating, everyone but Shimizu and I went back to their rooms or did their personal things. We looked at the sunset orange sky with a burning sun.

"Uh, Ember-san. Can I ask you something?" Shimizu asked.

"Hm?" I answered.

"Would you want to be the next Pirate King?"


"Would you want to be the next Pirate King?" I asked.

Silence filled the air between us and we stared at each other for a few seconds. Then, Ember broke eye contact and sighed softly.

"I would want that but what about Aiko? Have you asked him? Considering uncle Luffy gave him the straw hat, it means he would want to take his place. I'm okay with him being the Pirate King, as long as he is happy," Ember answered.

I nodded and looked at the bird's nest. Aiko could be seen talking to somebody. I told Ember I'd go check on Aiko before I turned invisible and went up the bird's nest. I then peeked over and Aiko was talking to someone, laughing. I was confused at first because in my eyes, he is talking to the pole. That's when I realised and made the final conclusion. I activated my third eye and it looks like I was right. He wasn't talking to the pole. He was talking to someone behind it. They looked young and wore a butterfly hairpin, a pair of spectacles, a flower dress accompanied with a cloche hat and a solitaire necklace. They had strawberry blonde hair, forest green eyes and their body was small, similar to a child's.

"Aiko, who's that?" I asked.

Aiko turned around, startled before sighing softly after seeing me.

"You scared the fucking shit out of me."

"Language. Anyway, who's that?"

"Shimizu, meet Hana. Hana, meet Shimizu," He introduced us.

Hana waved at me with a smile on her face. I waved back and then looked at Aiko.

"She is your ghost lover," I blurted.

"Dude, I'm gay. Are you joking with me? Why not introduce her to Ember?" Aiko retorted.

Hana tapped me on the shoulder and brought up something I've been thinking of doing for quite some time.

"Could you turn me into a human?" Hana asked.

I was prepared to snap my fingers and grant her wish. I snapped my fingers and her soul shone brighter than the sun before she became a physical being. She was grateful and thanked me for making her human again.

"You're welcome," I said.

She then looked at me up and down, as if she was analysing me and sighed sadly.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for things you can't control. The past is the past. If you let bad things go, you'll find a bit of goodness in you," Hana advised me.

I was quite stunned. How does she know this just after one look? I then climbed down and told them to come down as well. After I came down, Hana came down and then, Aiko came down. We walked to Ember who was talking to Law.

"Who's that?" Ember asked.

"This is Hana, a ghost whom I just made human. She'll be staying with us, considering she was dead before so nobody would recognise her," I answered.

"I see. Welcome to the Moby Dick. I'm Ember," Ember welcomed.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ember. You're lesbian, right? I'm lesbian too. Want to be friends?" Hana answered.

"Whoa, how did she...?"

"Do you have very good analysis skills?" I asked Hana.

Hana nodded and then, she looked at Law. She frowned a little and approached the 50-year-old.

"I know you. You're from Flevance, right?" Hana asked Law.

"Yes?" Law answered.

"Were you infected by the Amber Lead disease?"

"I was but someone saved me by making me eat a Devil Fruit," Law answered.

Hana only nodded and looked at me. She then approached me and hugged me. At first, I was surprised because I don't usually fancy hugs but this hug felt... meaningful. It was as if I was hugged by someone close to me but the closest to me was...

"Are you ok?"

I looked ahead and everyone stared at me weirdly.

"Why are you guys staring at me?" I asked.

"You... You're crying."


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