Chapter 1

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It's been a while since I joined the Whitebeard Pirates. My crewmates were fun to be around with and they treated me like family but I was uncertain. Anxious. Worried. I hated that they treat me like this even though I was an abominable existence to the world. I was the son of Gol D. Roger, the King of Pirates, for fuck's sake! Though, I regret my past actions towards their captain.


I was a young lad. I created the Spade Pirates and together, we travelled and ventured. We also met Shanks who made a promise to my little brother, Luffy, and gave him his straw hat.

Then, I started to become ambitious so I decided to set a goal which is to kill Whitebeard and take his bounty. Everyone but Deuce left after I argued with them about my insane goal. I didn't care, though and planned.

After planning for months, Deuce and I executed the plan. We burned our ship and acted like we were survivors. For a few days, we drifted on a wooden plank and then, the Moby Dick came by. Whitebeard ordered his crew to rescue us and accommodate us, giving us food, water and new clothes.

One night, while everyone was drinking again, I told Deuce to distract the others while I snuck out and tiptoed to Whitebeard's room. I opened the door and Whitebeard was snoring quietly in his bed. I then took a dagger out of my pocket and prepared. I was about to stab him when he woke up and pushed me through a wall. I groaned and soon, Deuce and I were both caught.

We looked down at the floor, gritting our teeth in defeat. The others weren't fazed about it as there were a number of attempts to take Whitebeard's bounty. Whitebeard stood over us with an angry look. We were scared but we just looked down.

"Gurarararaa! It was a pretty clever plan to act as survivors. I actually fell for it!" He commented.

Deuce and I looked up. Then, he extended his hand out to us.

"Do you want to join my crew?"

I looked at Deuce and he signalled with his eyes that he wants to. I was quite hesitant but I sighed dejectedly and nodded. Since then, Deuce and I worked hard, from cleaning floors to washing the dishes. Soon, we ranked up and I became the 2nd Division Commander after the former latter with an unspeakable name got kicked out of the crew and left on an abandoned island.

End of flashback

I sighed and rested my elbow on the table, gazing out the small window. The sun... I wonder what's ahead for me. The sun is surprisingly very happy today.

"Oi, Ace. Are you listening?"

I snapped out of my thoughts as Thatch nudged my left shoulder.

"Oh, sorry. I was... daydreaming. Yeah." I lied as I didn't want them to worry about me.

Thatch raised an eyebrow at me, giving me an uncomfortable feeling of what's going to happen next. However, he just laughed it off and patted my back.

"Is that so? Looks like I have to repeat myself one last time. We're going to go visit the Straw Hats!" He said, raising his fist up and grinning as his foot stepped on the bench.

As soon as I heard that, I almost choked on my saliva but Izo helped avoid that by patting my back lightly. Is he serious? I thought Marco wouldn't let it happen, would he?

"Oh. What's it about a visit to Straw Hats, yoi?"

Well, speak of the devil.

A voice spoke through the doorway. Everyone and I cocked our heads to see a familiar blonde hair and pineapple-shaped head. I turned away, trying not to blush at his presence or embarrass myself in front of the crew.

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