{T E N}

259 9 15

'' the day of conny's "adoption" ''

(Your pov)
Word count: 1014

(this chapter has not been under any editing, please excuse any grammar errors, typos or spelling mistakes!)

(this chapter has not been under any editing, please excuse any grammar errors, typos or spelling mistakes!)-

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both me and ray decided that we'd talk in the library after i show phil the book i was talking about earlier.

me, phil and ray wander into the library but the older boy walks off into a separate section, saying he saw a book he wanted to read before we went to eat breakfast.

phil wraps his fingers around mine and i take him over to the bookcase where i found the book.

"so, phil. in that book you won't only see the northern lights but you'll also get to see many beautiful places from the outside world!" i take the paperback picture book out of the shelf and hand it over to him.

"thank you, (name)!" he cheers before hugging me and running of with the book.

as i'm waving the four year old goodbye, ray clears his throat and sits down at a table.

i sit down in the seat opposite him. i won't lie, i ended up with a slight sensation of deja vu.

we sat here in this exact spot when he told me the truth about this farm.

tonight is going to change everything. for everyone.

"ok so I have a plan." ray says, leaning onto the table.

"okay, what is it?"

"before conny leaves, distract her or offer to hold her bunny for her, once you manage to do so, give me a signal leave it with me.

and when conny and mama leave the house, you need to take norman and emma with you to 'return' little bunny. make sure they find out the truth." he explains.

i remain silent for a while, taking the plan into consideration.

i hope this works...

"alright, i'll do my best, ray."

"thank you, (name). tomorrow we can start forming an escape plan, oh, also i'd appreciate if you don't mention me being a double agent yet, i'll tell them when you three come back."

"i won't, i'll do anything to make sure nobody else has to die." i smile.

he smirks. "yeah, especially norman though."

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