{N I N E}

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yayyyy multiple characters in the same day 😁

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yayyyy multiple characters in the same day 😁

'' the day of conny's "adoption" ''

(Your pov)
Word count: 1016

i turn around to see don, gilda, nat, conny and phil speed walking towards us.

"oh, is the game over already?" gilda smiles.

"we should head back soon. if we're late mama will be worried." i finally speak up.

they all nod their heads or hum in agreement. but i know they want to stay for a little longer.

we all stay quiet for a few moments. just staring blankly across the fence

"soon we'll have to leave this place, huh?" don breaks the silence.

definitely sooner than you think.

"yeah, obviously. we're in an orphanage. of course we'll all leave by the time we turn twelve." nat crosses his arms.

and we get turned into food for monsters.

gilda seems to hesitate for a second before speaking. "y'know what's weird? none of us have ever received letters from any of our siblings." we all look at her.

because they're dead.


"yeah, after they leave the house, none of them have written to us."

me and ray glance at each other, he can read me like a book, he's always known when i'm uncomfortable.

he gently pats my shoulder and he mouths "we'll talk later" and i give him a subtle thumbs up.

"oh, that? they might just be being considerate to their foster parents." norman tries to reassure the younger girl.

"but still! we were brought here as babies, since we were one year olds! we're the only family we know, even if we aren't related by blood, we're truer siblings than most!" don frowns.

i really want to tell him that it'll be alright, that they're okay. some part of me still wants to believe that we actually get adopted.

but ray's explanation makes too much sense. i know he wouldn't lie to me. and i know for a fact that i can't ever bring myself to lie to them.

{flower}. (norman x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now