{S E V E N}

324 11 11

'' the day of conny's "adoption" ''

[your pov]

word count: 1249

after we heard our results there was some not so quiet chatter about me, norman, emma and ray

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after we heard our results there was some not so quiet chatter about me, norman, emma and ray.

don, hearing all this praise stands up. "norman!"

the room goes silent. "i challenge you to a battle of tag!"

i sigh, classic don.

norman smiles, slightly tilting his head to the side.


not long after we got to the top of the hill, we all scatter around the forest.

i need a distraction today and so i'm actually going to put effort in this for once.

i dash past the thinner trees at the front, it's easier to hide in the back, there's less light, more bushes and the trees are thicker so it's easy to climb them.

i climb up a large rock, in the distance, i hear some complaining and a familiar voice giggle.

norman is nearby. i look around. i only have a few minutes at most until he gets here, depending if he goes in a different direction.

but it's better to be safe than sorry.

i carefully jump at a thick tree branch in a nearby tree.

luckily, I manage to hold myself up (barely) and climb into the leaves of the tree.

squinting, i barely make out that norman is here, i hold my breath and do my best to not move.

(name). don't. move. a. muscle.

he turns his head side to side, "flower? where are you?" he mumbles, barely loud enough for me to hear.

so there's already only one of us left?

he's getting quick.

his fingertips brush against the large rock i climbed only a few minutes ago.

his eyes scan the rock and his neutral face slowly turns into a small smirk.

{flower}. (norman x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now