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Hey everyone, I'm sorry for the inconsistent updates, I've lost motivation for this story so this will be put on hold until I finish my Edric x reader or I gain motivation again.

Since I'm intending this book to be a few hours long, it would take a while for me to write.

I'm also not a massive fan of sadness in my books but I decided to do it anyway.

So a few days after this chapter is published, I might Unpublish this book.

Not forever! Just until I get the motivation to write this book again.


Some of you may have seen a book on my profile with my norman x reader Harry Potter au!

I've had a lot of ideas for that but since I made so many books at the same time I decided to unpublish most of my books including that one.

I'm thinking about republishing it soon so you won't be completely norman deprived 💀

And also it seems fun to write.

Anyway, so as for why I don't want to continue this book for a while is for a few reasons.

Like I've said before, the planned length to be a few hours long.

And also the death and angst.

So I'm either going to take a long break from this book or take a smaller break and follow the plot of the anime + adding some chapters for after they start attending an actual school and stuff like that.

Also don't worry either way I'll add Yugo just a different context I guess.

You'll see.

Thank you for reading. I'll see you soon!

- Lola 💕

{flower}. (norman x fem!reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant