{S I X}

341 10 28

(ok so this is a last minute decision but i've decided to follow the storyline of the manga because i now have books 1-7 and i can now read it online!)

'' the day of conny's "adoption" ''

[your pov]

word count: 874

"good morning everyone! time to get up! or you'll miss breakfast!!!" emma calls as me and my siblings stir awake

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"good morning everyone! time to get up! or you'll miss breakfast!!!" emma calls as me and my siblings stir awake.

i stretch letting out a yawn before i remember what today is.

conny's "adoption".

it's okay, (name).

don't act suspicious, act normal. ray is relying on you, (name).

the other day i was being foolish, it's too risky to cry and panic with no good reason just before conny's adoption- no.



it didn't take long for me to get dressed, i forced the most convincing smile i could before walking to breakfast.

"(name)? do you mind putting these plates down please?" mama smiles warmly, suddenly next to me.

i turn to her and grin. "of course, mama!"

she giggles and hands me some plates and cutlery.

"that's my (name), as helpful as ever! be careful not to hurt yourself or drop anything." she says before one of the other children catches her attention.

wow she bought it-

ugh. to think i wanted to be like her not long ago is disgusting.

heartless. absolutely heartless.

"good morning, don, conny! and you too, little bunny!"

i feel a little at ease hearing my best friend greeting everyone with phil in her arms. she's as energetic as always.


"good morning, emma!"

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