{F I V E}

367 11 3

'' 1 day before
conny's "adoption" ''

[your pov]

word count: 1044

we're all eating breakfast, well apart from myself

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we're all eating breakfast, well apart from myself.

i just blankly stare at my food, lost in my thoughts, i need to make an escape plan

i've decided that i'll look at the fence and take a proper look at the gate.

no wonder why it looks abandoned, the only things that go there are demons, mama and my siblings.

"(name)? are you okay? you're not eating any food." gilda asks me as she cuts up her sausages.

i snap out of my thoughts and i lift my head up to look at my concerned little sister.

"yeah, conny told me that she saw you crying the other night, do you want to talk about it?" don insists with a concerned look on his face.

i open my mouth to reply, but before i could say anything, gilda speaks up, with worry in her tone of voice.

"you were crying, (name)?" gilda frowns.

"oh! yeah, i'm alright now, thanks for worrying about me you two." i try to reassure them but they look like they don't buy it but they decide not to pressure me into telling them.

the pair of them start to talk about the homework we've been set by mama and how difficult it is, so emma, who is beside me offers to help them out with it.

i smile at them, finally picking up my cutlery and digging into my breakfast.
i'm not even hungry, in honesty i feel like i'll be sick if i eat anything at all.

but i need to eat something, i have to build up some strength if i want even a chance of survival after we escape.

if we manage to escape this awful place.

i need to pull myself together. if what ray said is really true then i can't make myself suspicious.

i'm a decent actor so it shouldn't be too hard.

i look at my breakfast and continue to eat, nat turns to me and we talk about foods from the outside world that we would want to try.

{flower}. (norman x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now