Travis laughed. "You wouldn't want twins?"

"I'm not sure if I can handle twins. To go from two to four so quickly. Two babies, crying, gotta changed two diapers. Oh no, absolutely not."

"You got me though, so even if that does happen you'll be straight."

"Sometimes I feel like you're too good to be true." Mariah said while sitting on his lap. Travis wrapped his arms around her securely.

"Why you feel like that?"

"Because you're so perfect and I'm not used to that. We've been dealing with each other for a while now and I don't know if this is still the honeymoon stage but it feels good. Sometimes it's so good, it scares me."

"You don't have to be scared Riah. I love you and I'm happy with you. I know what you've dealt with in the past and I'll never put you through that same pain. You probably don't think so but you were what I needed in my life. Before you all I knew was work, work and more work. You taught me how to relax, how to enjoy life, you made me want to live properly. I want you to understand that I'm not some little boy trying to figure my life out still. I know what I want and that's you and this family that we're building. Don't ever stress or second guess about anything that comes to us. Okay?"

Wiping the tears from her eyes she nodded her head. "Okay."

Holding on to her chin they kissed over and over. "Now come on, I promised our kids a movie night." Scooping Mariah into his arms he headed out the room. As they made their to the back Chris was walking in. "Oh hey Red." Mariah said while rubbing her hands over his head.

"You fuck with it?" Chris asked while laughing.

"You can pull off any color bro."

Chris smiled and nodded while making his way upstairs. Walking into his and Mya's room, he grabbed her purse and shoes.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Put these on." He said while handing her, her sandals.


"Just put them on woman." He walked into the closet and packed them both an outfit. When he came back Mya was sitting on the end of the bed looking confused. "Alright let's go."


"Stop asking questions and come on."

"Okay, okay." She grabbed onto his hand and they went downstairs. "What about the kids?"

"My mama got them."

No more questions were asked even though Mya had a million more, they climbed in the backseat of a truck and it pulled off. The whole ride there, nothing was said. Mya, just glanced out the window while holding onto Chris's hand. Chris was on his phone, taking care of a few things before he was off the grid for the next few days.

As they got closer to their destination, Chris pulled out a blind fold. "Put this on."

"Wh-." Before she could finish, he wrapped it around her head and tied it, making Mya laugh.

"When you just gone do what I ask with out asking a million questions?"

"Ain't my fault I'm a curious girl."

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