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Chapter FiftyEight
Los Angeles, California - A Few Weeks Later

The sound of a beeping filled Tim ears as he sat on the couch with Noah and Syren. His eyebrows furrowed as he glanced out the windows and saw flashing lights. Passing his son over to his mom, he got up and went to his door opening it. A cop and a tow truck sat in front of his driveway. Quickly slipping on his shoes, he rushed out the door. "AYE, WHAT THE HELL YALL DOING?!"

"Are you Timothy Anderson?" The cop said while approaching him.

"Why the hell are you taking my car? What the fuck is going on?" He asked while snatching the papers.

"Everything you need to know is on those papers." The cop walked back over to the tow truck. Tim started reading through everything that he had in his hand.

Mya and Chris were taking it all.

His house, his car, his building, and asking for money. There's a restraining order, he nor Syren can be within 500 feet of Chris, Mya and their children. There was a gag order placed on both of them.

"Oh, is a Syren Thompson here as well?"

Tim nodded never taking his eyes off of the papers in front of him.

The officer walked around and inside the house.

"Can I help you?" Syren asked confused.

"These are for you." He handed Syren everything that was for her. She snatched the papers out of his hands and looked through them. When she saw what all they were coming after her for, her eyes just grew and grew. Getting up from the couch, she rushed outside and over to Tim, pushing him in the process. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!"

"You're being sued, that's what the fuck it is."

"For five million dollars! I don't have that kind of money and your stupid ass sister knows that!"

Exhaling, Tim shook his head and started walking back inside the house. He regretted everything the day it happened and everything that they're doing he expected.

"So you're really not going to say anything about this?!" Syren came in yelling.

"Say what? You really thought they would just over look this shit. I don't know why I let you get in my head."

"Oh you really gone blame this on me?! I didn't make you do a thing. You did this because you wanted to. What you gone say next? I'm the reason you slapped her and fought Chris? You're so fucking stupid!"

"You are too. Might as well head back to your place because I gotta be out of here by the end of the week."

Syren stared at him before shaking her head. "Pathetic."

"Yeah, whatever."

Las Vegas, Nevada

Mya sat on the end of their hotel bed staring at her phone as Dr. Thompson wrote down the last thing she told him. She decided to do a few a sessions to keep herself from doing something that she'd probably regret. The backlash from everything was new for her and it made her anxiety sky rocket.

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