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Chapter NineTimothy Anderson Los Angeles, California

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Chapter Nine
Timothy Anderson
Los Angeles, California

Sitting on the couch, I called Mya for the thousandth time but kept getting her voicemail. It feels like I'm stuck in a fucking nightmare right now. To hear her say that she hates me fucked me up. We ain't never been like this and we're not about to start all over some bitch.

Exhaling, I stared at the shattered glass on the floor. Man when Mya snaps she loses it. I just hate that all of this had to happen while she's pregnant.

A knock on my door caused my eyebrows to furrow. Shit I'm lowkey scared to answer, she might be back to come shoot up the place.

Getting up from seat, I went and glanced through the peephole. I laid my forehead against the door at the sight of my mom and Mariah. This shit just about to get worse! And Syren still here.

"Open the fucking door Tim!" Mariah yelled.

How she even know I was right here?!

I opened the door. "I had enough drama for the day." I said while leaning against the door post.

"Ask me if I give a fuck." My mom said while pushing past me.

"Seriously can we save this for another time? I need to get my living room window fixed and my windshield."

"No we can't do this another time. I'm sick and tired of it being everybody against Mya! What the hell is wrong with y'all?!"

"I know that bitch ain't still here." Mariah said pointing to Syrens purse. "SYREN!"

"Mariah chill bro!"

"Hell no, SYREEEEEN!"

"I'm not about to let you fight her dawg."

"Why cause she carrying yo bastard ass baby."

"Mariah!" Our mom yelled.

"Ain't nobody about to fight, I'm just about to drag this tired ass hoe out the house that my sister paid for. You are really dumb Tim. And I wish Mya would've beat your ass too. That girl and her husband is the reason your stupid self got proper care when you almost fucking died and this is how you repay her. I swear I'm so glad I'm not the rich one in the family cause none of you ungrateful pieces of shit would get a dime from me." She started walking towards the stairs.

"Riah, just let her be man." I begged.

"Fuck her and you bitch."

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