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It's time to have that discussion again...the end of checkmate 🫠

Chapter FiftySeven
Los Angeles, California

As soon as Mya landed, she went straight home to get her car. Their house was swarmed with paparazzi and it just caused her anxiety to become worse. Once the truck she was in came to a stop, Mya jumped out and hurried in the house only to be greeted by Mariah, Kayla and Brian. She really regretted giving Mariah a key sometimes.

"Whatever ya'll gotta say gone have to wait." She said while grabbing a set of car keys. Mya went for the door but Brian stood in front of it.

"We not about to let you do this Mya."

"Look if I don't get the nigga today, I'll do it tomorrow when y'all ain't here. I'm not letting this shit slide!"

"You know I'm always down for somebody getting their ass beat but Mya like the world is already looking at you and Chris as these two crazy people do you want to add more to that?" Kayla asked.

"I just don't get why he's doing this. Everything that happened in Miami, he deserved. I've bent over backwards time and time again for Tim and this is the fucking thanks that I get? I just need to know why. I want an answer. I deserve one."

Exhaling Mariah looked at Brian. "What if we took her to him? She's right, she deserves to know why he's trying to ruin their lives."

"But once you get an answer is it going to make you feel any better?" Brian asked. "We all know how reckless Tim's mouth can be and you're on ten right now. Shit will just get crazier."

"I promise I'm not going to touch him. I just need to talk to him! He's ruining my life Brian! You should know how this feels you tried to do this shit before." Mya screamed.

"Yeah and what did that cause? You almost died having Jade and I regret that shit every fucking day Mya."

"Well I'm not pregnant so you don't have anything to worry about. Let's go." Not allowing them to say anything else to her, Mya headed outside and they all followed. Brian took her keys and climbed in the drivers seat, Kayla got in the passenger seat with Mya and Mariah in the back.

During the ride Mya looked through all the mess that was going on. People were calling Chris abusive and a coke head, both were being deemed awful parents, people mentioned divorce, called Mya crazy and just as crazy as Chris.

Mariah watched as the tears rolled down her sister face. She snatched the phone out of Mya's hand and pulled her into her arms. She kept reminding herself that she was pregnant and high risk. Them going to see Tim was kind of for herself more than her sister. She never understood when any of her siblings hurt Mya. If it wasn't for her all of them would still be suffering.

When they pulled up to Tim's house, Mya's heart began racing so fast she thought it would jump out her chest. Brian got ready to talk but she quickly got out the car and went to the door, banging on it like a manic.

"Mya!" Brian called but she wasn't listening.

The door opened and the very last person that she expected to be there stood before her, smiling.

"Syren." Mya said confused.

A sly smirk was on Syrens face. "Hey girl, long time no see."

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