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Ima post this then run away 😝

Chapter TwentySeven
Mya Brown
Mya's Birthday

Chapter TwentySeven Mya Brown Mya's Birthday

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I'm thirty.

Like, this is not a game. I'm really 10 years from 40.

I expected to wake up a lot happier than I did today. I've just been laying in bed staring at the ceiling, wanting to cry for some reason. Might be because this is the first birthday in a while where I didn't have my husband next to me.

I haven't seen or spoken to Chris since the day I was in the hospital. He's still upset about everything but the way he's acting you'd think I cheated on his ass or something.

Like, why is he so pressed over MY body. No, trying to starve myself wasn't the smartest thing but it's definitely not something to try and argue with me about. I'm just lost about this entire situation. And as badly as I want to go over to him and figure out when he's going to get the stick out of his ass, I gotta a lot of other things to do.

Climbing out of bed, I went and got in the shower.

After I told Mariah about what I did, she went off on me and then suggested this detox tea that she takes whenever she needed to lose weight in a short amount of time. That stuff had me in the bathroom for three days. I'm not even exaggerating, I slept in the bathroom it was so bad.

But it got the job done and I wish I would've asked her sooner.

Once I washed up and washed my hair, I went and slipped on some clothes and headed downstairs and was greeted by 30 dozens of red roses and a bunch of red balloons. I was smiling so hard you'd think my cheeks would rip. It was so damn pretty.

After taking a few pictures, I went and looked for a card. A very pretty one, sat on the counter with a jewelry box next to it. I opened the card.

Happy Birthday
Love Royalty, Landon and Jade ❤️

Aww, my babies.

They're with their grandparents for the weekend but I will be taking them out to eat as soon as I get my hair done.

Opening the jewelry box, there sat these beautiful diamond and emerald bracelets. It's my babies spoiling me on their fathers dime, for me.

I was about to question how the hell this got in here but the front door opened and all my siblings, minus Brian of course and my boos Eva and Munchie.

"Girl we had to carry all of those damn flowers in here." Kayla said.

"Bitch you bet not be carrying nothing with my nephew in there." I rubbed her belly before hugging her.

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