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Chapter FiftySixTimothy Anderson Los Angeles, California - Slick's Shoebox

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Chapter FiftySix
Timothy Anderson
Los Angeles, California - Slick's Shoebox

Standing in the middle of my empty storefront I just stared at all of the hard work that was done but now would probably go to waste. Mya's interior designer was damn near finished with everything but she called and told them to stop working unless I could finish paying, knowing that I can't.

This shit is so fucking crazy. This was how things were supposed to change for me, how I planned to make shit better for my son but she always does this. One of the main reasons why I don't take help from her is because it's always a catch. I'm living in her house, so I gotta kiss her ass just to stay there. I'm surprised I haven't got an eviction notice...maybe because I pay rent. She offered to do all this for my store, she gets pissed and look what happens.

I'm grieving, I acted out.

If I was anybody else they would've excused their behavior, for example Mya cracking Kayla in the head with a bottle.

Me? Nah.

The sound of my store door opening caused me to hurry to the front. I've been hoping that Amber would come around but I'm sure that bridge is burnt to crisp.

Instead I came face to face with the devil herself, my baby mama.

"Just the bum ass nigga that I've been looking for. Listen, I know your dad died but to abandon our son is really fucked up." Her annoying ass voice said.

"Syren, I reeeeeaaaally don't have time for your shit, alright? I'll come get it him tomorrow. Now get the fuck out."

"So you still mad at me huh?" She laughed. "I'm not even sure why. I haven't bothered you or that pathetic ass family of yours in forever. I let you get a little ugly ass girlfriend and I did my thing. As long as you took care of my son, we were good but now you think you're about to drop the ball so now
I have to be that bitch again."

Exhaling I rubbed my eyes. "I said I'll get him tomorrow."

"Mmhm." Syren glanced around. "So what's going on here? I thought your precious Mya was helping you get everything going?"

"Things changed."

"Oh really? Let me guess you pissed her off some kind of way and now she doesn't want to help anymore?"

"Something like that."

"Why do you keep letting her insincere ass help you in any kind of way? Mya helps you just to make herself look good and so that she can throw it in your face later on down the line. It's never from the heart. I know you were desperate to get this place up and running but you should've did it on your own instead of letting that heartless bitch help you."

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